What did I do on Mapletales!?

So… Where do I begin, I play Global Maple Story at an internet cafe, one here in town thats local, It’s called CORE. I’m usually there 2-4 hours a day, that I’m not working, I drive there… So I get home today, and my dad says… Where were you? I said “I was at CORE” Him, “Oh, were you playing that… uhh… Mapletales game?”

Lol, about this time I got in trouble for being sarcastic…

“Yes dad, I was playing “mapletales” is there anything else you wanna know?” Him, “Well did you have a good day?” “No dad, I was trying to find a free channel from hackers using vacs all day” Him, “Whats a vac?”

My point exactly -.-

Then he left me alone, and I went in my room and started playing again, got 2 levels then went to orbis, and on the way there was reported for harrasment by some idiot who thinks that you can’t get hit by Bolrogs by using Dark Sight, obviously he was hacking, after a DK there beat the rogs, he went inside the room thats on the ship, and started item vaccing everything off the ground, and he’s like “Oh, thats not hacks, its a special skill!”

Are all people on MS just a bunch of newbs? Or just this guy?

I admit that MS is a great game, but it has its flaws, like when I have to log out 50+ times to use the storage to transfer items to my mule, TEDIOUS.

Or the fact that MSEA and KMS get so much more stuff then GMS, I downloaded MSEA today and played it for a while…

Why don’t we get a world tour/quest alerter/almost 100 more cash shop items than GMS, we don’t get nearly as many events as they do, people say, “Oh it’s because theres too many hackers on GMS”

… o.O

Theres not enough people on MSEA to hack… With all the people on their servers, it would equal one Broa, its total BS, and another thing that theyre FM is so much nicer then ours, they have a little television screen that shows random witty little tips, its just so unfair that were treated worse then they are.

Also, NEXON/WIZET has the nerve to post a blog that says… Oh we just reached over 3 Million players, you know what that means, more maps, more items, more skills…

I have yet to see a 4th job come our way, the only events we’ve had is a fricken valentines day one, we spend so much more money on NX, say that in a month if there is 30 Mill players, 5 Mill buy NX, lets just say 10,000 NX, so… NEXON/WIZET just made 50 Million dollars in a month. I know KMS has like… 20 Million players, but we spend more NX and have more players then MSEA, and they get the good stuff, thats hella wrong.

14 thoughts on “What did I do on Mapletales!?”

  1. “Are all poeple on MS a bunch of Newbs?”
    No. New people are.

    The word you’re looking for is “noob”

    Noob-Adjective, noun.
    “A person, usually on an internet game, who thinks he’s the owner of your soul. He will be rude, arrogant, idiotic and a general bully. You are usually better then him.”
    Look at also: Asshat, f(Insert an ‘a’)g, ret(instert an ‘a’)rd.

  2. Looksee here, dear Globaler, if you really want to compare.

    MapleSEA did not have that truck delivery service until recently.

    The prices of our travel tickets (especially to Orbis) are WAAAY more expensive.

    We have sucky events. And you actually really do have more events, if you count it out properly.
    For example, SEA has no massive festive events like Thanksgiving; I really wanted a chance to get that Turkey.

    That nice little television with nice witty tips used to disconnect EVERYONE out of the FM. You need to relog to get back in. Hell, it kicked me out of all the maps that surround the maps that contain it (eg. El Nath town contains it, so ALL El Nath maps are off limits to me). MapleTV is teh suck. You’re better off without it.

    You got Ludi first.

    Uh. And you have Amoria, though I’m not sure if that is a good thing. XD

    Your recent patch has a tonnes of new quests that I have never seen before. Hell, there was one patch in SEA where they added new quests by simply copying over from the Global patch.
    How did I know? For one week, my Aquila Change Channel dialogue box was titled ‘Scania’.

    You have a guild ranking system, I believe? Your guild system is much more developed than ours, if I don’t remember wrongly. You guys had the ranking system first as well.

    Lagging issues are a given. One or two local ISPs will have to have some problems with the servers.

    And we really do spend a lot on Cash items, what with easier access to A-cash. Just stay in there for ten minutes and count the megas.

    The majority of SEA players completely butcher the English language. And when I mean butcher, I MEAN butcher. It’s enough to make you weep.

    But SEA is better able to hold real life local events. 😛 We just had a Gamers Walk last Sunday, and they have an entire cafe dedicated to Asiasoft games, which includes Maplestory. XD

    Face it, dude. We all have our own good stuff.

    And what does KMS have to do with SEA? o_O and KMS is one of the pioneer versions of the game, so no reason why it shouldn’t be more advanced.

  3. The next person that says MapleSea is better than MapleGobal will get me banned . Meaning , I ‘ll just ya’d know use some words on you and your opions .

  4. I think MapleSEA is better because u can go to china, you get a color wg from noob island, and i don’t DC from FM, The Quest Are funner and ppl are cool there, its easy to get into PQ and monsters can drop maple items, You Can Also Gift A cash Because we dont abuse it like GMS

  5. Umm, 4th job hasn’t come to MSEA yet either. They’re still beta-testing in KMS. And the reason we have alot of players ie bcause we’re Maple”Global”. Basically anyone in the world can play without being super laggy. Now CMS, JMS, KMS, MSEA all have designated areas. If someone outside that area tries playing they’ll lag, alot. I couldn’t even download MSEA. Too much lag.
    We have a quest alerter. That little bing noise when you complete a quest. ANyway what good does it do? Just a little lazinesss out of Maplers.
    Does cash shop seriously matter? It’s basically paying for the game to play it. There are better games then MapleStory that cost money to play. If you’re going to spend all you’re money on cash shop items why not just use the money instead on other games?
    Does the FM TV thing help THAT much? What does it say? “Buy store permit to open up stores.” o.O
    All the stuff in both versions are balanced out.

  6. I agree with Silver. WE all had our share of horror and terror. And for the Maple TV, I think that glitch is fixed. Oh ya, and silver, I think that I had disconnected when I went to FM, but that’s fixed now.

    Anyway, a ticket to Orbis cause 80k >.> Which some low level people (I hate to call them noobs as they did not do anything offending) go around borrowing to go there. I got pissed off by one who kept standing beside me saying “80k Mesos pl0x”

    In the end, I cced. He followed. Heck. What’s wrong with this kind of people?! Even if they get there, can they train there?

    Anyway, Global has much more quests than us and I really want to play it, even if they’re hackers there. I want to meet more MMOtales people, as I hardly saw their character before o_O.

    Global IS much better than SEA, if you count all the towns you have, I really hope Amoria will come out soon. I can go there and find a gf >.>. I seem to be unlucky these few days. xD.

    Anyway, don’t worry. Those hackers, are idiots. They’ll quit sooner or later. There’s no fun if you hack. Believe me, I know. You can sit there, look at your character vacing the monsters into one particular spot and whack them. How lame is that?

    I rather fight to my death than stand there whacking those monsters. Leveling isn’t everything! Friendship is.

    Well, I’m done with my rambling >.<. Sorry if I bored you to death.

  7. Justsasuke said: “I think MapleSEA is better because u can go to china, you get a color wg from noob island, and i don’t DC from FM, The Quest Are funner and ppl are cool there, its easy to get into PQ and monsters can drop maple items, You Can Also Gift A cash Because we dont abuse it like GMS”

    You can’t call Maple Island “noob island” because new players begin there. “Funner” is not a word. “Ppl” is spelled “people”. Idiots who wanted to be charged with credit card fraud just pick on little newbies. First, type properly, then state your reasons in a more legible way.

  8. MSEA and GMS are pretty equal, I’d say. For one, MSEA doesn’t have the Penguin pet yet (I don’t think) and my penguin owns. <3 They give us different stuff at different times to test run it, I guess. It would be problematic if there was a huge glitch they had to fix in BOTH servers. Uhm, I can’t add much ’cause everyone already said it. *Stares at Silver* Someone knows their MapleStory.

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