Hacked 2

I accidently deleted this prior one, the delete button is so close to the submit button. Okay, that emo thing from my last blog, link ,was an exxageration. Basically all I’m doing is quitting MS. Pics are the sweet memories…

BTW, DragonGem pwns MS!

14 thoughts on “Hacked 2”

  1. hehe.
    i like your first screenie.

    dont’t be emo though.

    <33 Liviadia.

  2. BlackNazgul said: “whoa jesus, that cape is gonna sell”

    i agree with you, too bad it got hacked -.-

  3. Well really miss ya, EXP. ME~! lol. Well, good luck with everything, xx

    xx xBLiNGBLiNG ♫ ♥

    Blinging for the last time,

  4. Atleast you still have your acc >.< Most people don’t get that lucky they usually get thier pin changed and give up,

    at your lvl you should be back on your feet in no time,


  5. wow, 12mill.

    Lol I WANT YOUR ACCOUNTTTTTTTT! XD I have a decent character to gget it back on it’s feet. but, if your not in the mood then, Awww, *not because of me not getting account* i hope you feel better. Wow. Heart breaking. Really. WOW.

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