Attn: Rocky

I, DaMunky89, would like to take this moment to thank you;
With your help, we have decreased the overall IQ count of MMOTales by a full five HUNDRED marks! It’s up to good people like you, Hitler, and the KKK to keep “blacks”, “Jews”, or intelligent people from taking over trhe world! Racial diversity will triumph! -and by that I mean we should slaughter any demographics that get too overswelled! Take a M80 to the Mexicans first Rocky!! Hurry! They’re all RACISTS I tell you! RUN ROCKY RUN!

And when you’re done with that, kindly come back here for your award!
That’s right folks, AND a new boat! And a year’s supply of McDonalds meal vouchers! (Y’know, so you never have to actually make something of yourself to avoid starving to death?) Props to you for keeping those nasty RACISTS in line! *pats Rocky on back*

But in all seriousness: You sir, are a hypocrite and an idiot. For your sake, I’ll define both;
hyp‧o‧crite  /ˈhɪpəkrɪt/ Pronunciation Key – Show Spelled Pronunciation[hip-uh-krit] Pronunciation Key – Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

id‧i‧ot  /ˈɪdiət/ Pronunciation Key – Show Spelled Pronunciation[id-ee-uht] Pronunciation Key – Show IPA Pronunciation
1. an utterly foolish or senseless person.
2. Psychology. a person of the lowest order in a former classification of mental retardation, having a mental age of less than three years old and an intelligence quotient under 25.

Eg. You’re not only ranting about racists, and then complaining about “F****** Jews” in the same breath, but also have fewer than two or three working braincells.

I really do apologize if this causes a flame war, but you are a moron.
Really, even if Indescane was 100% wrong (which she wasn’t), all she did was state an opinion, one backed up by facts, and your own words even! She, and everybody else has the right to an opinion, but the fact that your opinion is that she does not deserve one, proves that you sir, are abusing the priveledge. *slaps with dueling glove* Flame me if you will, but you are inescapably, the most unintelligible neandertal noob in existence.-Munky

Rocky’s MMOid of Idiocy here: link

15 thoughts on “Attn: Rocky”

  1. Heh. He’s going to end up ‘flaming’ the entire community before realising he can’t win.

  2. yPOS1 said: “i HAVE seen bigger idiots.”

    Oh, poor yPOS. Does the brain damage hurt? You’ll regrow those braincells eventually!
    , A bigger idiot than Rocky, *hyperventalates* That must’ve been scary.

  3. Yup, there are bigger idiots in this world. Unfortunatly for Rocky, he has messed with Dezzy, and the fact that I’m bored.

    so I shall attempt to write my own flame/essay on this interesting specimen.

  4. Notice how some people can make such a big impact by saying something wrong. (I’m not siding with him, I personally would like to see him [her?] burning in the fire pits of El Nath.)
    And your encoraging him, attention is exactly what he wants.


  5. Oh, I realize what an attention wh0re he is, but on the same note, sometimes I just can’t resist a good flame now and then. ^_^ Besides, I was bored as well. I give him attention, he gives me a distraction from homework. Were it not for the fact he insulted my Dezling (and thus pissed me off oh so bad), this could almost be a win-win situation. We’ll just call it a tradeoff I guess.

  6. >:/ Don’t start Silver. *kicks self* Shoulda just called her “Dez”! Jeez >>;


    *borrows jetpack from some random sci-fi character* I’m so getting out of here.

  8. HAHA! Yeah, that would be your cue to run.

    *gets a pair of wings from the Keys to the Kingdom series*

    *chases Silvar*

  9. *searches desperately for a excuse to live* If you kill me now, you’ll never get to see the completed Li picture, okay!

    There. :X (Yeah, I’ve finished drawing it, halfway last 2am and the rest this morning. I took away her Burgler and gave her a widow’s peak, because that’s what the sprite’s hair looked like to me. :D)

  10. *drops Burninator*

    Ooh, artses. Oooooohhh. Giveses the artses to us, yes? We wants them. We wantses them. *drooly sounds*

    I haven’t even started on Gastro >_> I’ll do it sometime, I promise.

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