the journey (series 8)

We arrived at Perion and James whispered to us,” Take your placing now!” We nodded our heads and I, along with Sam went to the left side of Perion. On the way, A group of spearmans saw us and screamed,”Rogues alert, Rouges alert!!” ” Oh, shut up…” Said Sam and shot 4 lucky sevens at each of them and they all died. “Remember, Sam, We are not here to kill warriors!” I said to him. He shrugged and we continued flash jumping towards our placing. Suddenly one whole group of about 100 warriors stop us in our tracks. “What about now?” Sam asked me. “Alright, alright… We can kill them.. But not too many.” I said. “Yea!” Sam said and did shadow partner and started doing avenger at them, i followed but i did lucky 7’s instead. Groans filled the air when the warriors died.
Suddenly, someone launched at both of us from behind. We fell onto the ground with a painful groan as more than 4 fighters was on our body.”Get off!!” shouted Sam struggling vigorously. I rolled to the side and the warriors fell off my body and they took out their weapons to attack me. I was hit on my shoulder and I gritted my teeth, not allowing myself to let out a scream. Blood started coming out of my wound as i staggered to my feet. “You alright Luke?!” Sam said to me as he supported me from falling. “I think so..” I muttered and moved my shoulder.”Ouch,” I said softly. Suddenly, another spearman jumped from a upper platform and was ready to slash me with his serpant tongue when i heard a *swoosh* and the spearman laid on the ground with 2 arrows stuck to his chest. “Who’s that?!” shouted Sam and Sasuki came out of the shadows. “Sasuki ? What are you doing here!?” I said weakly. She saw me and rushed over. “What happened?!” she shouted ignoring my question. “Who’s that?” asked Sam to me. “She’s err..” “His girlfriend.” interupted Sasuki and she started to bandage my shoulder with some bandage she brought. “Thanks.” I said. “W0000000000T, she’s your girlfriend?!” Sam laughed continously and i lost my balance and i fell to the ground. “Oww,” I said softly. “Look what you did!!!!” screamed sasuki and helped me up but Sam just continued laughing. “Ahahahaa.. *koff* HAHAahahahaha.. I’m gonna die from laughter… AhahahahahaHAHA!..!”Sam choked on his words while laughing. “Stop laughing!” snapped sasuki and kicked him on his shoulder. “Ahaha.. Ow!” Sam shouted and stood up. “Come on, we still have a mission..” I grumbled and started flash jumping again. “Wait! ” shouted sasuki, “What about me?” I sighed and went back. I carried her on my “still hurting” arm. I started flash jumping again with Sam following me. Sasuki’s smooth and black hair blew against my face in the wind. We got to our position soon and saw the rest of them there waiting for us. “Who’s that girl?” asked Will rolling his eyes. “Yea, whos that?” asked Dick staring at sasuki. “Err…” I started.” May i introuduce you to my girlfriend, this is sasuki.” I said and let her down. She smiled and looked at the rest. “Err, okay.. Lets get back to the plan now.” said james and beckoned us to follow him. We reached dances with balrog’s leaving place.Okay, maybe i shouldn’t call it a “place”, It was HUGE. “You ready?” James asked. We all nodded. Sasuki seems puzzled but she nodded too. “Let’s go in than.” said james and pushed open the door.

What will await us inside? To be continued…

3 thoughts on “the journey (series 8)”

  1. Hey, I hope you will keep on writing these. I know there’s not many people commenting but please! I absolutely love your story right now haha. Can’t stop reading, So please keep on writing!

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