I require assistance. Please assist me..

Why, Hello there.
Bonjour. Hola, QUE PASTA?! =D (Yeah… I did that on purpose)
I need help. (Again)
…Yeah yeah, laugh while you still can…
Anywho everytime you level up you get sp(?) and ab(?) points.
(Omg if you didn’t know that, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?! O_O)
I know I want to put all the sp points on STR, but what about the ab points?
(I’m not sure if that’s what they are called, but you know, ability points).
People tell me to get spear boost and forget final attack.
Other people tell me to get final attack and only a few spear boost.
(Some people tell me to piss off when I ask…)
They all further my confusion.
Someone give me advice.
(I mean thought out, making sense advice.)
There’s also Hyper Body, which yeah, I want it.
( I know there are websites that give you advice but they all just make my head spin. @_@;)
So in other words.
Tell me,
(like you’re talking to a very slow person),
what should I do?
(Yes I’m having fun with these paranthesis, maybe a little over done but oh well!)

The one and only,

2 thoughts on “I require assistance. Please assist me..”

  1. Firstly, you switched AP and SP. 😛
    It depends on you, if you can stand an extra power attack without you pressing anything, get FA.
    You need Spear Booster. No doubt. Try sooner then later.
    HB. Well, many people like it, but it is un-advisable to max it first, harder to train.
    Good luck.


  2. Oh yeah xD.
    Sorry I /are be not/ knowing the language of the game.
    Thanks I think I might take your advice. You sound like you know what you’re talking about .

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