Howdy people! Long time no type, yes?
I still comment, shut up.
First thing I’d like to say is that I am now level 47.
Wow two levels in a month! Don’t over-work yourself now.
I like talking, er typing, to myself.
Gollems take forever to level on so I’ve moved my butt to drakes.
I would much rather sit in channel one and “disturb the public”.
Secondly (cool it’s a ly!!): I’ve changed my nx clothing a couple more times, bought a few gachapon coupons and super megaphones. A friend’s ring, and a broom.
Well since I’ve admitted/declared/stated my nx cash obsession/problem/loving of, I just thought you’d like to know I’ve spent $ 175.00.
Laugh at me, go ahead, you know you want to. (Picture number one: my awesome Maplestory fashion!!!!)
Thirdly (haha more ly o_o!): Ever since I’ve been getting higher levels and better looking nx, boys have been hitting on me.
It’s so @#!?ing annoying. Most of these kids are what, 12? Then you have them telling you, “u r hot”. I’m just a bunch of hot pixels I guess (see picture two for bad pun plzkthx). The boys that are older are probably 40 year old pedos. I’ve been asked out ten times, ON MAPLESTORY!
I can’t stand it, it’s not funny.
Are you guys really that desperate?
Can someone explain to me why chibified pixels can turn someone on!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!
(Picture three = teh sexiest thing evarrr!!!!)
Last but not least. I got married. To a somewhat friend, I can’t stand at the moment.
…Oh joy.
(Last picture shows fake happiness! :D)
That’s all, no more, go home good fellows, get some rest.
Not really. n.n
You’re a girl? o.o
Yeah cheeze spazzy is a chick
why always 40 year old pedos?
why not 41 year old or 39, even?
Lol. That happens to me all the time, too. However, I think it’s rather amusing. XD
You level faster than me. D= Anyway, grats on the two levels and uh. . . Gimmeh some nx?
You really level muuuuch faster than me . I hardly choing .
Haha, bad pun
why always 40 year old pedos?
why not 41 year old or 39, even?”
Because it’s based on the movie 😀
Lol. Agreed, Ganz.
Everyone> Yes I am a girl. Well, since no one seems to get that, I can be whatever you want ;D! Within reason o-o;,
Waffle> Why 40?! Well you see a long time ago there was a glass of water and it got knocked off a red lamp shade. After research and lots of sleep scientists figured out that it indeed was a hand that knocked that very glass off the red lamp shade. The rest is history. Get it? :D!
Yes, it’s a bad pun. But it’s a punny pun. >_> I mean funny pun. It’s pun fun! 😀
I Heart puns.
Bad puns are shmexi
Welcome to maple story with a girl char honey. ;]
Waffle> Why 40?! Well you see a long time ago there was a glass of water and it got knocked off a red lamp shade. After research and lots of sleep scientists figured out that it indeed was a hand that knocked that very glass off the red lamp shade. The rest is history. Get it? :D!
Yes, it’s a bad pun. But it’s a punny pun. >_> I mean funny pun. It’s pun fun! :D”
Thanks for making me feel stupid
it was so obvious
Waffle> It’s okay sometimes people have brain farts, we understand <3.
*laughs* Yay for NX obsessed Nathy. xDD
I am trying to think of all the things i could have gotten if i had 175$ to spend.
oh for the love of God.