Gachapons, tell me what you think…

Well after much expirementation I have found that the gachapon in Sleepywood gives me all potions and that sort of stuff. The one in henesys gives me all equipment stuff…
I would just like to know if that is the same for everyone else.
Please tell me if it is the same for you.
Um other than that I really don’t have anything to say. I promise some day I’ll have something weird to say, I just haven’t felt up to myself lately (no I did NOT say “I just haven’t felt myself up lately -.-“)!
~Peace out, Faith

3 thoughts on “Gachapons, tell me what you think…”

  1. No it’s different for each person. /sarcasm

    Dude look on the Gacha list on Basil. Tells you all you need to know

  2. The Henesys one, on the two times I tried, gave me a power elixir and a bowman top.

  3. Sleepywood = Scrolls, scrolls, more scrolls and melting cheese.
    Ellina = Noob equipment, magician equipment and a very low chance of getting uber rare drops like magicodar.
    Henesys = Bowman equipment
    Kerning = Thieve equipment
    Ludibrum = Paintbrush, sake bottle (good chance of getting those)
    Perion = Warrior equipment

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