Money, nubcakes, and a really big sword

Ilbi’s = 16mil
Steely = 7mil
10 INT Sauna = 10-12mil

When prices drop this far, I have to ask myself why I play MS. If I wanted it to be fun for all players. I have to admit at first I was really upset that my INT Sauna had dropped so much in price. But the thing that really matters is that young players are able to get those mediocre, yet useful items (like a 10 INT Sauna) much easier now. It upgrades the level of play for all of us. Now new players (aka newbs: I will differentiate this word from n00bs, noobs and nubs in a moment) can get in on the action easier. There is a large gap, I believe, between the rich and poor, newbish and elite in MS still. I find very little to complain about other than the fact that I lost alot of money. But even that can be quickly remedied, because nearly every item has dropped in value, except for something like 4/5 Gold Emerald Earrings which will always be beastly, as well as high att wg’s. There is alot of talk, however, about the dropping of prices. One individual on said, (paraphrased) “I don’t want noobs to have good items like us pros.”
(I understand that is home to many flames, but from what I have heard in-game and on various other MS forums, I think he represents a large number of players)

As I mentioned earlier, I believe that there are two categories of the phonetic word “newb.” There is “newb” which means, to me, that the player is merely new to the game and has not yet gained enough experience to really grasp the fundamental game mechanics. It’s how we all start out, more or less. We might have a good idea how to play the game because of past experiences in MMO’s or maybe we grew up watching our older(or younger) siblings play the same game. But we all start out as a “newb” or unexperienced player. The second form is “noob” which can be spelled a few different ways (nub, n00b). This title contains in it something that goes beyond failure in game, and goes to failure in life . A noob, to me, is someone who is rude and vulgar and makes fun of new players. Someone who thinks its ok to scam if the other player doesn’t know how much the item is worth, or is fond of KSing players lower level than themselves. “Noob” is an all-inclusive term referring to the dregs of MMO society. If I looked at a level 80 who was a jerk and a level 1 who was struggling with the in game prices of items, was genuinely trying to understand the game, have a good time and attempting to create a fun environment for others, there would be no question in my mind who the noob was. So I say to the “pro’s” who are trying to keep “pro equips” out of the hands of the “noobs” then I say there is nothing “pro” about them, and its the pro’s who are the noobs.

The really big sword?
Ribgol.. is soooo broken. I want one – I watched a video of two different saders, both 14x-15x. One had a Blue Screamer (Normal Speed) and one had a Ribgol (Fast Speed), and they were both showing off the skill, “Brandish.” WOW and WOW, Ribgol totally owned the Screamer…. I mean, there is also the 10-20 ATT difference, but still… Ribgol was totally thrashing those skeletal dragons O_O

Anywhoooooo, that’s all for today, hoping to get going on this here MMOID a little bit more. Hope you guys(and girls) have some thoughts to share on this blog ^^ let me know

15 thoughts on “Money, nubcakes, and a really big sword”

  1. Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay here, just ignore the pile of charred human ashes and nuclear missile in the corner over there

  2. Hey, welcome to MMOT. I may never have achieved “pro-status,” but I’m enjoying the major price drops recently.

    Also, what level is a Ribgol, and how many hands does it need to wield?

  3. 100, 2hand.

    Welcome to MMOT.

    You’ll start seeing things after 1 week.

    MMOT has some weird people, watch out.

    Mind games FTW!

  4. ERr Cheeze. . .
    2 and its like over level 100
    And Cheeze will never reach this so called “pro” status unless he gets signed up from a big major company to just play Maple all day and night long. . .
    Its the twuth. . .

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