Just another endless night in Ludi

So yeah, went from around 7pm ~ 12pm Ludi PQ’ing.

Toastie has aquired during this;

Red Napoleon x 2
Dark Napoleon x 1
Level x 2
Fame x 3
Headache x 1
Potions x dsfargeg
Scrolls x 1
New friends x 1 JOY.

Toastie did NOT aquire during this due to some real tards, the only name I can remember is Croumi. Defame. D:<

Red Napoleon x 1
Skull earrings x 2
Heart Earrings x 1

Seriously PQ’ing is all about social interraction; so why let potential ASBO recieving people play eMS? It drives me crazy to have someone who doesn’t listen; understand how to PQ properly or just plain doesn’t understand good freaking etiqutte in Bonus stage. I had about 5 full PQ’s throughout my all-nighter due to these kind of people. I would have had been level 40 by now if it hadn’t been for those guys. Augh. And a whole lot richer. :l

Rant over. I’ll edit this when I can be bothered cause my fingers are sore and there’s a whole lot more to add.

Hey, do I have any fans yet? 8D <3

5 thoughts on “Just another endless night in Ludi”

  1. HUNDaemon said: “D= Sounds like LPQ alright, *Hates LPQ sooo much*”

    Yup. i feel the pain. I wasted 3 hours of doing nothing today. missed lPQ 5 times,went walking to jr.pepe’s and decided to go back. then yo my hp warrior to bring back to vic =.=. Waiting fr LPQ is so boring

  2. I hardly ever LPQ.


    Err. LPQ in the past tense.

    Headache x 1

    Oh the joy. -hands you a bottle of aspirin tablets-

  3. I used to LPQ back in the day ( 3 weeks ago) but i’m over that stage of life.
    I’m lvl 53 now, and you wanna know what I got from LPQ. . .


    Nothing at all. . .
    . . .
    -Grows silent-

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