Uhm, I think I’ma be MS’s official monster poet, a really bad one. XD -Makes this as he goes along-
Crimson Balrog,
You smell like eggnog,
Why do I make fun of you?
Ask the others you killed the same question too!
Why must you invade my flight,
Get a quick pirate buzz in just one night,
Well guess what, Mr.Crog,
I’ve changed my mind so you smell now,
Of rotten eggnog!
God, I’m so pathetic. xD PATHETIX POUM 3+!
I think we can all second that x.o;
LOL! that is so funny ^^ keep up the good work XD. lol here’s a request, write a poem about noobs? lol not in a negative way, but sorta friendly making fun of their mistakes
later, i’ll look at ur new blogs later ^^
Woah, you really like makin poems. O.o
Well, you did better than I could’ve, so, well done I guess, O.o
Odd, but nice. XD
lol. kinda weird, but really funny!