Gale stretches out his hand in an obnoxious manner as Dusts laughing continues. Soon enough, Dust wades over in the snow, grabs Gales hand and pulls him up to his feet. As Dusts laughing slowly subsides he says between hiccups of chuckles: We should do this more often Gale, with a completely dissatisfied look on his face simply shakes his head as he takes off his lower facemask to reveal pursed, blue lips. Wanna go home then? Dust asks Gale, feeling his humiliation. You know I dont like to lose. Gale replies, ignoring the previous question. Well, you do you know.. Dust rants, using unnecessary hand motions and pacing, Its quite healthy, if not required, for one to lose on occ.. But is quickly cut off by a great shove from behind, landing face first into the snow.
Gale storms off, being as deliberate about his actions has he possibly can. Dust recovers from the fall, and starts to come after Gale. Once he catches up, as hes about to start apologizing, he noticed Gales contagious smirk. Gale slows his pace, has looks at Dust, starting a laugh, quickly followed by Dust.
As they near the quiet town outskirts, they casually nod to the pile of snow on the side of the packed road. Once deeper into the town, the smoke from the buildings personal fires become more noticeable and the smell of cooked vegetable soups, burning wood and pine enters their nostrils, sending shivers of delight down their spines. Near the far end of the town, in the nearing shadow of the cliff side, Gale and Dust make their farewells and proceed to their separate dwellings.
Gale pushes the wooden door open to be wafted by the warmth of the fire, and overwhelmed with hunger from the broth. His mother, stout but elegant with her short brown hair and apron backs off the cooking pot and greets her son. They exchange the usual hug, and Gale starts helping with the cooking. Once prepared, they fill their bowls, and sit down to have their meal, bits of conversation exchanged between spoonfuls. Neither of them, wishing to talk about the upcoming two days. When her husband, his father, didnt return home, and how Gale will be leaving for the next few months for school. Neither wanted to ruin their last few days together.
Yes Its not long again, but I have a good excuse: Its 11:40 PM and I have not only school, but a math test tomorrow. Fun.
Ill come out with another one whenever I feel like it You never know
It is short . Make a longer .
It shorter than mine! =O
^ What she said!
Grammar’s a bit wonky in some places; I have a temptation to pick up a pen and start circling them, lol. Check out the last paragraph, second last sentence; that kinda didn’t make sense.
Not bad, but you could lengthen it by having more development in the story; let an event start to happen or something, rather than just end at Gale arriving home.
Right, Thanks Silver >.> That does sound bad now that I say it to myself in the afternoon. (Not the hangover-level midnight buzz)
As for the events, There’s one coming up, and it’ll make the first two episodes worth reading.
Plus I, sota just make up the plot as I go, Just have flashes of ideas in the future, and I string those flashes together.