Yayyy level 55 :D

Haha I was so excited when I got to lvl 55 yesterday. I spammed it all over my buddy list @_@

Ohh and what was really funny was when I was making my thorns. I had gathered all the materials to make it, and when I went to Rydole, he said I didn’t have all the materials. Then I noticed I needed a staff stimulator. I didn’t want to use one, because it could fail, but I desperatly searched all the free markets on all channels for staff stims. I swear, there are NO staff stimulators in Scania. Anyway, then I asked my friend Kyle who had also made his thorns, and I asked if i REALLY needed a stiulator. He said no. I was so confused, but then I click Rydole again and noticed there was a thorn making WITHOUT the stimulator. so I made my thorns, and when I checked the stats, it was WORSE than my arc staff! O_O (the arc was scrolled with 10% scrolls) Yeahh it’s actually funnier than it seems x_X

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