Hello ^.^ lvl’d to lvl 27 on my Sin todayyy haha. trying to become a sin before xmas. you can still contact me In Game. I’ll be on AzNfRiScObOy. I’ll invite you to CastingCrown if you like– even tho we’re dead o.o; Killstealer4 still shows no remorse for leaving in the first place x]. if any of u wanna contact him:
xD any of u guys got stars for sale? Msg me in game. :]
Any of you gonna server move? I can partly fund y’all since thanks so IcyRaven– helped ME get on my feet ^.~ Haha i am planning to drop by in Windia to visit good ol’ buddy DragonFang (aka Dragonfang22)
payce out.
*Jesus Freak*
Lol that’s pretty ironic, cause you’re NOT a sin yet.
~~ Oops I wrote jesusfreak under the quote thing by mistake. Well I’m not gonna change it to show that I believe you XD.~~
haha– well im just lazy right now and my hands are COLD ;~; and i dont wanna re edit it
Hey dude, I used to play Khaini, I would have been glad to help out, but they won’t let me connect Global with Taiwan!
Is this racism? Taiwan isn’t a country of Earth? THEN WHY IS IT CALLED GLOBAL!?
;~; *pat pat* ^
account pl0x!
no! >:O
Hmm im going to try for Global, since Ez got her Maple up and running. Hope to see you guys there as well
Hidden I would like to butttt. . .I play tespia mostly. My Global accounts are all in Scania and bera except for some small noob I made in Khaini. A lvl 17 rogue xD
If any1 has questions about beta-testing ask me, or else wait until they come out in global =P
Contact you in-game, eh? (You’re on Khaini, right? Good.)
Nah, I’m too lazy to log in.