I guess this one is related to Maple Story; in the sense that I should be playing more often, but unforunately things get in the way… which really pisses me off. -_-
I don’t know, it seems to me like life always has this ‘way’ to make things confusing concerning priorities, and what should be done first, etc, etc. A little background first though; I’m a freshman slacker college student who works part time. Yeah, a guy in college who plays Maple, hard to beleive, I know. D:
Well anways, this particular college student has a habit of playing Maple Story on the University’s Wi-Fi connection on his laptop between his classes. So much to the point where one day the tech crew got smart, and filtered his wi-fi bandwith… ._. But not smart enough, because they only did it once. ^.^
So there were classes he got homework in, and homework he didn’t do, because he did it all AP style last year. But things still managed to even out, hence the ‘slacker’ part. The job kind of got in the way when it came to Maple, but alas, the college student needed funds for more not Maple Story things, like gas money, and college books, and going out with his friends. His friends which, by the way, some who don’t go to college, some who don’t go to college and work, and some who are still in high school. So that leaves him the only guy in college and working part-time. >.<
This really doesn’t seem like a big deal, until you factor in the housework, that again detracts from Maple Story. The housework this lazy college student is supposed to be doing right now. =D
But with all that other stuff, where does the Maple fit in? It really doesn’t fit in too much. Especially now with the ‘pressing’ Thanksgiving event with the prizes of free NX Cash… Maple taunts me so. I’ve played a little bit here and there at school, and a little bit at home… but it just doesn’t seem like enough. It almost makes me think that “You know, those other guys have it pretty good… why can’t I just simply work, and not go to school?; or just not do anything?” I can’t do that because unlike everyone else I seem to know, I care about my future. Bastards. >.<
Things were just easier in high school, because there was less to do. With college comes more responsibility, so my advice to you younger players – enjoy your days now, because they only get worse.
If there’s anyone who can give me some advice, that’d be greatly appreciated. If not, I’m asking you to ‘like’ my piece or whatever it’s called, so other people can read my story.
Easy to stop playing MS; just level to level 68 and then cry at the fact that it takes ages to get 0.01%
Meh. Life is more important than MS. Only reason why I don’t care if hackers hack. Quit MS xD