I was never really a big fan of Valentine’s Day. The whole concept of shelling out a lot of money for something for significant other simply for the fact that if you didn’t, you’d appear to be a jerk; didn’t really appeal to me too much. This holiday is supposed to be a celebration of love, but it seems that that is farther from the truth nowadays. Well, at least in Maple, I don’t have to worry about that too much.
Yeah, Maple’s still being good to me lately, and I can’t fathom why. Basil is slowly becoming my new best friend, and I’m hours away from my new Black Bandana. I did manage to sell that blue rose; someone autobought it for 3 mil. ^_^ Yay cashflow. I’m buying the bandana, and after that, I’m gonna do the final upgrade for my guild. (Somehow, I have 5.5 mil. O.O)
So today I was walkin’ through Henesys, not doin’ my 4-page paper due tomorrow (Heh, yeah… I’m blogging instead of writing my paper, ain’t that somethin’?), when some girl wanted to buy Cat’s Eye earrings. I stumbled across a pair at Evil Eye’s about 4 months ago, and they were just chillin’ in my inventory. I sold them to her, and got a weird ‘I love you’ sort of thank you. O.o Ah, the fake love is present in the air. Enough to get me a red rose drop, and a level 35 thief glove drop at Fire Boars. Yeah, I’m still traning there, because I don’t know where else to go; and the drops are better there. If you can think of a good place for a level 34 cleric to train, lemme know.
All that aside, my NX limit will be reset as of tomorrow, which, for me, is in less than two hours. I can finally fix up the rest of my stats. ^__^ Yeah, I should really stop spending money considering work has cut me down to 8 hours a week; and being a poor college student who commutes, yeah. That’s probably why I play free games like MS.
I dunno, it’s always gonna amuse me to see people tryin’ to hook up on MS on V-Day. Walking through Amoria, seeing all the ‘Will you be my g/f?” chat windows. Hilarious. It’s sad that people will resort to that, but it’s understandable; everyone is trying to frantically search for that someone so they aren’t alone today. Except for me. XD
Keep it real, and I hope your V-Day was as good as mine.
Nice Story.
aw, thanks. I really needed that.
It’s nice to know that there are still people in the orld who enjoy being single! Good Job!
– VanillaPocki –
It’s too true, it really is sad that people are actually advertising themselves for a girlfriend.
I think that within a month, people will be BUYING girlfriends. o_O
I bet Ill see megas like.
B>GIRLFRIEND (Insert Mesos Here)