Hacker’s Revenge Chapter Four

Hi yee, hi yee – I amee backieee againeee.

Chapter Four – January 15, 2007 (Monday)

“You’ve got quite a strange ability, Martol. I swear we were just in El Nath a few moments ago,” Legend said as she looked around. As soon as she had jumped into the door, she had fallen from nowhere and landed on the soft grass of the town of Henesys.
“You think? I personally don’t like this portal ability that goes with The Magic Selection. Sometimes I can’t even shut the doorway and so I can’t escape the area. I have to go through the doorway in order to get out. The funny thing is that it acts as a doorway between anywhere in El Nath to just about any place in Victoria Island – including the dungeon. I didn’t quite see your ability, Legend. What exactly is it?” Martol explained.
“I have the ability of the Black Hole. It derives from space and the strange phenomenon of the ‘Black Hole’. Sucking in my enemies to touch the magic circle around me is its goal. Whenever they touch the circle – they get fried and turn to beef jerky,” a smile tugged at Legend’s mouth.

Martol let out a laugh and sat back on the bench. He carefully looked around. His smile turned into a dark frown as he continued to stare. Legend shook out her limbs and stood up. Looking over at Martol, Legend’s eyes narrowed.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Notice something? It’s empty here. It’s completely deserted,” Martol whispered.
“Meaning … The GMs have warned every single damnable player,” Legend frowned.
“That is correct,” a shining sign sparkled at the corner of Martol’s left eye.

Martol and Legend turned their heads and saw the GM sign glittering over a woman with green hair that was pulled back into four corner pig-tails. She had on a long dark silk robe – the Dark Enigma – and her Gold Emerald Earrings shimmered as she bathed in the sunlight. Under her, a name card in bold letters screamed out Lumos – Game Master Lumos.

“Greetings, dear Hackers. I didn’t think my choosing to come to Henesys would result in me seeing, with my own eyes, the two Hackers that were supposed to have been banned four days ago. Everyone calls me Game Master Lumos! If you don’t want to get engaged with any combat – just allow me to ban both of you,” Lumos spoke.
“We have a mission to achieve before we let the likes of you ban us!” Legend countered.
“Feisty!” Lumos laughed.
“Besides … If you ban me, I can’t return home,” Martol whispered.
“Can’t go home?” Lumos asked.
“I can’t log out. I can’t log out of this game. It’s like I’m stuck here. And I can’t rip myself away from the computer I use to login,” Martol explained.
“Then we’re very much alike, Martol,” Legend said softly.
“I don’t know exactly what you mean, but the job of us GMs is to ban all Hackers and anyone else performing illegal activities within the game. Therefore, if you will not stand down – I will presume offence at this moment!” Lumos exclaimed.
“Then we have no choice,” Martol looked over at Legend and she nodded.

Martol and Legend jumped away from Lumos and assumed an offensive position of their own. Legend kneeled in front of a standing Martol. Lumos drew out her Pyogo Mushroom and prepared to attack. Lumos shifted one of her feet positions and both Martol and Legend immediately summoned their magic circles. Their circles intertwined and created a secondary magic circle that covered more ground. Lumos called upon the sky and dark clouds rendered above them. Making a downward movement, two lightning bolts came from above and streamed down toward Legend and Martol.

Quickly, Martol opened up the mighty doors from before and a mass of knives flew out toward Lumos. The steel and metal tips of the knives signalled the lightning strikes to hit them and Lumos’ attack betrayed her. Instead of hitting Martol and Legend as she had hoped, the lightning bolts came crashing down towards the area in front of her.

“Damn,” Lumos scoffed. Suddenly a steel arrow whizzed by Lumos’ right ear and split into two as it headed towards Martol. Legend quickly stood up and summoned her Black Hole. The arrows crashed down into her magic circle and crumbled to ash.
Lumos swung around and found herself looking at a tall bowman who had a small grin on his face. His long blue-lined white kismet moved gently in the breeze and a red yellow handled object was within his left hand a light outline of a yellow bow fading away back into the red center. His long black hair was tied back into a low ponytail and he had two large bangs that circled the sides of his face. Under his tall green snowshoes, the name Shinta emerged. He waved to Game Master Lumos and presumed his stare at Legend and Martol.

“You think you Hackers are so smart?!” someone shouted from behind. Martol’s door vanished and there stood Beholder with a dark look on her face. Unholy emerged from behind her and he grinned modestly.
“Surrounded … Great … What do we do now?” Legend cursed.
“Four against two, isn’t that a bit cowardly?” Martol called.
“We’ll do whatever it takes to bring you down!” Lumos shouted.

Beholder and Unholy lunged forward toward Martol and Legend while Lumos created a block of ice and attempted to jab Legend. Shinta grabbed a steel arrow and aimed with his Shining Bow. The yellow outlines shone brilliantly as he launched the arrow towards Martol. Martol turned to face Beholder and sent his artillery towards them. Legend stood up and forced the ice and arrow to aim downward towards the magic circle. Luckily, Legend and Martol blocked the entire first onslaught. Sweat slid down the side of their faces as a second onslaught began.

Suddenly the ground shook uncontrollably. Lumos and Shinta tripped and fell to the grass shocked. Martol grabbed Legend’s arm and helped her keep her balance as Beholder tripped into Unholy. Spikes of earth shot up through the grass and created an obstacle maze for the Game Masters and Unholy and Shinta.

“YO!!!!!!!!!!! Eat my earth!!!!” a male called out and let out an Indian holler.

Confused, everyone looked around. Legend looked up and pushed Martol out of the way. A male with spiky red hair cut in a Mohawk crashed down on his Blood Camel Boots and in his hands he held a huge stone coloured butcher-like knife. His face was covered with camouflaging army paint and his Red Giles cape floated just above his head for a few seconds.

“Yo my fellow allies with strange and mysterious powers! The name is Butcher! Let’s run dudes!” Butcher grinned, baring his white teeth.

Legend’s right eyebrow went up as a confused expression covered her face. Martol quickly opened up the mighty red doors once more and he grabbed Legend by the arm. Signalling to Butcher, he threw Legend through the gateway and pushed Butcher through. Waving once to Lumos, Shinta, Beholder, and Unholy, he jumped and twirled into the doorway. The doors closed behind him and then vanished into thin air.

“Who wants to bet they went back to El Nath?” Lumos chimed.
“Unfortunately, I would have to say yes,” Unholy spat.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah … Shut your traps,” Beholder screeched.
“So they must be the so called Hackers on that Wanted List. How interesting,” Shinta said.

P.S. Is there a way to extract the files from MSSetup.exe? I had to uninstall MS from my computer due to problems with Maple and now I can’t reinstall because I don’t have enough room in Drive C. Don’t suggest I format or try to make room in Drive C, please. I’ve tried to, but the required files for Windows just eats away at the small harddrive I have that I consider my Drive C.

If you know how to extract the files from the MSSetup.exe, please tell me D: I would very much like to get back to Maple asap! THANKS!

5 thoughts on “Hacker’s Revenge Chapter Four”

  1. My extracting program is WinRar, but it doesn’t give me an option to extract from MSSetup.exe. When I try extracting manually in the actual WinRar program – tells me it isn’t a valid extention to extract @_@ So yeah , I’m lost. I really want to get back to playing =(

  2. very nice story IMO though i aint much of a critic, though uh for the back part, what program are you using to extract?

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