5 thoughts on “Blogs?”

  1. put action and romance into it,read some blogs from ppl like JesusFreak i read his first and got hooked to these blogs so i read alotta other blogs and theres reallly good ones out there . good luck with a story !

  2. read jesusfreak’s or Aaru’s or my sis angelwitwing’s or mine
    my managed to get onto the front page so, i think it’s pretty good. ofcourse not as good as jesusfreak’s or Aaru’s or maybe angelwitwing’s
    w/e, just that when you get ready for your first blog pm me.
    Also, you can write about good things like uh, u got a godly item? or idk, anything like that= )

  3. Read other people’s stories and get some ideas. Use right punctuation and things like that. Don’t type the way you did on this blog -_-.

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