So I tried to collect ducks.

Hello everyone, second entry. <3

So the day starts off normally. Spawned in the FM, ate breakfast as I talked to my friends and then I went on to collect Toy Ducklings from Roloducks. As I reach the map, MariaColette, my best friend, asks me to come Orbis PQ with her and another friend of ours. I think about it for a bit and then decide to stock up on potions and go. (1)

One uneventful train ride later and I’m there. Eventually, after members leaving and missing some times, we get in. I learn how fun Rush OPQ is, we do several more, and then start missing a few times after that. We tried channel 1 and ended up rushing in and out countless times. XD (2) Needless to say, I had a lot of fun.

So after we all finish PQing, I decide to head back to Ludi. I want my ducks! Another uneventful train ride and AFKing to make lunch later and I arrive in Ludibrium. I get back to the Roloducks… and it turns out Maria needs someone for Zakum PQ (just the DM scroll part). We talked about it for awhile and eventually, yes, I decided to go. Onnneee more uneventful train ride later and I’m in Orbis, again.

I use the DM scroll I got from another friend waiting for me, go through the stupid lava areas and MAKE IT to my friends! Who are all AFK, except one! While I’m waiting, a friend that hit 70 and made Ranger the other night while I was offline came on. I SMega’d for him. (3)

All in all, we do about… 5 ZPQ runs? Maria leads twice and I lead three times. During the last two PQs, I started lagging HORRIBLY. I nearly lagged out several times… but I found chicken, so I wasn’t upset. (4)

We finish up, I go to Ludibrium… again and head to Roloducks.

Only one problem.

I’m lagging very, very badly. I lag out once (I’m shocked ONLY once) and decide… screw this. I go to the FM and set up shop, lag out, set up again.

That was pretty much my day. Overall, it was fun, but the lag pissed me off. |:

Hope I did the pictures right, I’m a newb. <3

~ Gunny

P.S. I still want my ducks.

(Sorry if this appeared twice, I screwed something up. <3)

2 thoughts on “So I tried to collect ducks.”

  1. MariaColette said: “Try again tomorrow or sue the love offa your modem company. <3”

    Yes mommy. :3

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