Whats the Point?

Man, i am so mad. Uberly mad. Super duper uberly mad. SU – well, you get the point.

As many of you know, the amazing thread that soon became an RP is gone. I was gone all day today, so only read parts after page 10, and after i finished my stuff, I come, and i see no thread! I was shocked, and looked on the forums page, and it wasnt there either. At this point, i am hyperventalating (sp?) when I get an IM from Indigolove saying the RP was deleted.

I know what you guys are saying. “Stop spazzing out about some stupid thread.”

Well I refuse to stop spazzing. *Stamps foot* Those of you who were part of it know why I am spazzing. I became sort of addicted to this thread. I would recently check up on it, and some times, it would just brighten my day, reading the things we all wrote. Sometimes, i only bothered coming online to check up on the story.

I realy wish that wierdo never blogged. It threw off the story, and gave me sick images in my head. My childhood is forever gone (teeheh).

I really dont see a point in complaining, but i am just so sad. I shall never have my first kiss with Night </3 lol

bye guys, i am totally bummed right now.

gujju ♥

13 thoughts on “Whats the Point?”

  1. i share the same feelings as you gujju.
    i am totally shocked by what had happened.

    and i feel dpressed. those of who had read the Forum know what i mean. it was soo good. just perfect. ♥

    and now it’s . . .


  2. Hehehehe, we shall never share our love. We hardly even got to talk, and i only just joined!

  3. yeah i know, same here. we should like fill the front page with blogs like this one and my latest one. quick, someone write another one~! xD

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