Finally I can Relax

Wow..i finally have time to write a blog =) its been a while since i sat down on the comp for a few hours. The past 2 weeks were super hectic. I had a wedding to go to (cousin’s) and it was lots of work. Days i went to the airport to get family, days i woke up early to go to her house (ceremonial stuff, its a hindu wedding) and the acualy wedding day. I know lots of you are probably like “what does this have to do with MS. Dont worry, i will get to it later -.-
The wedding was fun, the best i have been to so far. The ceremony was quite boring to be honest, but the reception was a blast! An open bar (i dont drink, but all the coke i wanted =]) and dinner and dancing. Desert was amazing. One long table of cakes….so much cake!! i had a piece of every one, and was majorly hyper afterward! A few of my cousins were a bit tipsy, and my brother had a major sugar rush after a dozen cokes, and me and another cousin still high from the cakes, we all went dancing! It was loads of fun.

The only bad part was not being able to play as much as i had hoped. I leveled only today, not like on Wednesday, like i planned…I am very behind in maple right now…

Anyways, i just wanted to write about the past week, so i dont forget =)

And i included maple stuff, for those are currently about to flame me for not sticking to the game…

gujju ♥

4 thoughts on “Finally I can Relax”

  1. sounds like the wedding part was fun o.0 and the soda u wanted =( f4 and cakes =( f4

  2. sounds like mai aunt’s wedding. it was in Hawaii :D. i stocked up on shirley temples, went dancing, got high on cake, ate a lot during dinner, burned some fat dancing, requested songs to the djeey, and it was a total blast . my cousins did basically the same as me lol


    ps. yay go weddings XD

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