Blue Mushrooms

Well i was hunting them for the “Pia and the blue mushroom” quest..and when i got the the forest of blue mushrooms..i didnt see any for 5 minutes…gave me the idea for this screen shot =)

Its not meant to be funny….i just like it is all

Gujju ♥

15 thoughts on “Blue Mushrooms”

  1. Alter, that was unnessecary. If all you saw in that pic was a reason to call her a noob, you don’t deserve to be in the MMOTales community. Shame on you. Lots of it.

  2. Lol. That is funny. 😀 I was thinking you would have said something about ‘Bloody GMs named the map wrongly.’ That’s what I would have said, anyway. 😛

  3. Heh, I loved it ^^

    As for AlterOfGod, For having such a name, you’re a royal pain -_-; I bet she’s more of a non-newb than you are.

  4. Wow, of all my time on MMO I never EVER saw you guys comment! >_<“

    Lol it’s pretty funny. HAHAHA! *becomes serious* Is that your highest level character? Righteousnesss! not. . .

  5. my highest level is level 35, but thats as far as i got, i messed the stats, the reason a made a new character.
    I am not a noob, i acually know stuff about this game -_- And the reason im not a high level is because i have other things keeping me busy, before it was school, now its my summer job.

  6. lol funny. shouldve dropped like 20 of those and said that.

    ALTER: your a ne0wb. (my word not yours) a mix of a newb and a n00b

  7. its quite funny XD good job.

    Alter: why are u calling people noobs? You should be one yourself.


  8. Hey, hey, hey! Those peices of paper made me 5K! XD I still like to play a gaim of Match every once and a while. Mostly in the sauna when I am waiting on HP/MP.

  9. nice i chuckled

    of course since alter wants to be not only a true noob but an asshole too. . .

    watch what you say dude

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