The Monster Called “CROW”

Well. Today I was gonna go train at Grimz for my 2x.
However, the DK I was with suggested HIMES. The new ghost monster.

Well. We went off to Himes. Killed a few. Had to change channel…
Well, in channel 2, we fought Himes, watched a player die, and then… saw… it.

The new monster to MS. The new BOSS monster.
I was like “W-t-f was that?”
and the DK said “New boss”

I didn’t think it was Crow, cause I assumed it was suppose to be a Giant Crow.
Well, we accidently hit it… and then all hell broke loose.

Next thing I know, I’m running full speed through waves of Himes making my way to the exit portal, while the DK behind me took one for the team and died! Now I got a monster, running faster than I could tele jump kicking me for
If it wasn’t for the DK’s Hyper Body. I’d be dead… very dead.
I made it out alive… I kissed the ground saying “OMG! I MADE IT!”

I left… told my buddy what I just went through and he said
“Oh thats Crow. Also known as the “Black Crow”.”
I was like “…. you serious?”

Well. I decided to go back and snap a screenshot. I was in ch 3 cause I cced… no crow.
So I went to 2. And near the very very end. There he was. Standing there..
Since ScreenShots weren’t working, I was having to hit “PRINT SCREEN” and paste the pictures in Paint.
Which would be slow.
So after hitting it, I ran. Ran sooo fast.
And as I was running, I saw HefferHeffer. Windia’s #1 Player at lvl 160, run past me.
Then he jumped onto Crow, and started fighting.
I said “Screw that screenshot… this ones gonna be better!”
So I took 2 screenshots of Heffer fighting off this new monster.
Hes probably still fighting it right now.
idk. I went back to Mushroom shrine before coming here.


Well. Anyways. Time to go.

I am NEVER going back there…
Ever… unless I’m like lvl.. 140 or something.

Cause that. That just wasn’t fair!

~Grimno (Narrowly avoiding death since 1922)

11 thoughts on “The Monster Called “CROW””

  1. The moment my friend told me to go into that portal very insistently, I knew there was something up and swore that I wouldn’t step in there until many many levels later. Turns out my instincts were right, when I checked Hidden-street later on.
    Good job avoiding death, lawl. >D

  2. Haha, I bet I can take on a Black Crow with a good party. Yeah, Himes and Black Crows are faster than haste. . . . >.>

  3. Yah, that Crow’s really tough. I mean, the other bosses might do that much touch damage, but their attack that hits almost every single time doesn’t do that much damage. o.o

  4. MasterCheeze said: “Yah, that Crow’s really tough. I mean, the other bosses might do that much touch damage, but their attack that hits almost every single time doesn’t do that much damage. o.o”

    At least black crow doesn’t stun, 1/1, or dispel.

  5. Eh, in real life, I doubt that thing’s called a crow. I think they called it a ‘Tengu”.

  6. that ghost lady thing is dreamy ghost and the crow 2 u can find them in mushroom shrine at a hiddenstreet o.O

  7. Lol, my friend says he only trains at Himes for 1 hour because he doesn’t know the spawn times, and that it burns potions o-o.

    I tried poisoning them, but it didn’t work =[.

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