News, Info, Rant, Pie, Fish. All in one.

Its 6th Period….I’m in Keyboarding class… I’m suppose to be typing up Memo MAIL70B1 on p 195-196 and do 1-3 …but I’m gonna blog instead… Its Wensday. 1/2 way through the week. And 4 Days left till the Nintendo Wii comes out! (I got a reserve). And with my Xbox360 on its way to Texas to get repaired after it mysteriously broke… the Wii is a shining light on a clouded day. Since I got nothing better to do (excluding the work I need to do..) I felt like talking about……….um……..whatever….since..I’m bored…and all…and I hate Keyboarding class…(It was either that, or a constuction planning course…)

First topic. Grimnos’ Alter-Egos.
Thats right…I have Alter-Egos I like to turn into during a pq to have some fun…they are as followed.
Ego #1- Normal everyday me.
Ego #2- The Newb. (Red apprentice hat…Wooden staff…stripped shirt…mainly lvl 10-15 clothing)
Ego #3- Mr. America (not in much use now) The ego were I talked like George Bush and kept everyones spirits up…main problem was I sold the robe I wore…and as #3, I have to misspell alot of words…
Ego #4- Japenese Fish Seller (Blue Suana Robe, Sandals, Fish Spear, Pig Headband.) A funnier one where I jump around screaming at people and dropping Jr. Pepe Fish… and get mad for no reason and attack everyone…
Ego #5-Swimmer (Nothing on but a Flowery tube) I just lay down with the tube and say “Splish-Splash” alot…its kinda pointless…
Ego #6- The crazed Ninja. (Cloths vary) I hollor, I shout, I annoy people…its the ego where I jump around alot, act hidden and then attempt to scare people…I made this one up to annoy a Noob PQ party…since they bugged me alot…and were idiots…and I hated them……

Those are my egos…I had more…but they weren’t nice…I mean…who’d want me to be “Angry Racist Man”…that one did not go out so well…

Topic 2- Pie
Pie is good

Topic 3-This topic is brought to you by the letter O, as in..O Shiet and O no and OMG, and nOOb
O….i dOn’t have much tO say abOut the letter O….its rOund…and like…nOt square…yeah…O…

Topic 4- Grind Gears My…uh…rearange that to how its suppose to be…
What Grinds my Gears? When you spend hours collecting Green Eggs to try to get a turkey pet and you get nothing…THAT Grinds My Gears…and then theres Brussel Sprouts. what ARE THEY!? They taste horrible AND they’re not that good for you…so why eat them!?

Topic 5- FISH
Fish is also good….unless you eat alot of it……..yeah….

Topic 6- Gibberish

Topic 7- Grimno
I’m crazy…(not literally) ..I like Pie….I want a Piecannon….and uh………thats it.

Topic 8- Waffles
Hes the most known MMotaler….he likes waffles..(Or DOES he?! o.0 ) and uh…he uh….or maybe its she….well…uh..he….hmm…what does Waffles do…………….I’ll just say he uh…..hmm….well. I like Waffles. I like eating waffles on a waffle field…with…some waffles….

Topic 9- EpicDynasty
Yes…I know I pqed with you….

Topic 10- The last thing. Quotes I know.
1.If you take the time to stop and smell the roses, you’ll eventually inhale a bee.
2. I spilled spot-remover on my dog…now hes gone.
3. Cats humor us cause they know their ancestors ate ours.
4. Time heals all wounds, unless you pick at them
5. Jimmy cracked corn and I still don’t care…
6. If I had a nickel for every brain you didn’t have…I’d have 1 nickel…
7. As I lay in bed starring at the stars I thought…what the heck happened to my roof?
8. You can’t spell Team with an I…but theres an I in Pie…and team is spelled Meat Meat Pie…idk…
9. 2 + 2 = 4
10. The only thing faster than a Cheetah on land is a Tourist in Mexico trying to find a restroom..

This has been. Grimno’s oddball quotes, rants, info…and other things…



6 thoughts on “News, Info, Rant, Pie, Fish. All in one.”

  1. Yea, it was made that way so it could be said universally.
    Imagine Africans. Or Japanese. WII!


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