Maple Clay Update #7

I believe its number seven…

This is going to be the last update for the clay project, the next one ever posted involving the clay will have pictures. The reason why I can’t do it sooner is cause I need to glaze the figures, and the glaze hasn’t arrived yet.

Zakum Update- ITS COMPLETE! Its currently in four pieces. Base, headpiece, left 4 arms, right 4 arms. One they have been fired, glazed and painted, and glued, I’m gonna post the pics! Woot!

Figurines- The horny mushroom and Jr. sentinal are awaiting the kiln like Zakum.

First 5 figurines- Still in Mr. Emmerts posesstion. Dang…

I’d have worked more on the figurines, but I had to go take that NAEP test. I was 1 of the 200 selected from my state. Woot.

This blog has been short and sweet, and the next blog is number 100. I think. Idk.


P.S.- I think I made Dest1 snap, check the forum “3 Word Story” and look at the latest few pages, you’d see…

6 thoughts on “Maple Clay Update #7”

  1. I had to take the NAEP test too. It was during school, but the rest of the people in my class got to watch a movie while I wrote open ended questions =(

  2. lol NAEP. Since im retarded and all, wut is dat (know its a test. Wuts it about? and like wut lvl stuff)? O_O? And u must be special to be 1 out of 200 XD.


  3. The NAEP is also known as the “Nations Report Card” in which random students in the 4th 8th and 12th grades are selected from random schools to participate. It’s an annoynomous test, no name or anything, where you answer written questions and questions about your school. 1/2 a million students nation wide takes the test and the results show what state’s students have a higher intelligence. Its main purpose is to show which states could use more funding to help their students. It also gives you bragging rights, so if say my state scored higher than say, South Dakotah, I could look at people from South Dakotah and say “HA! We’re Smarter!” XD

  4. HEY, I made that fourm! “Three word story.”
    I’m going to go check it out! YAY! ^o^

    Edit: Forgot my signiture!

    – Little preacher man.

  5. What state is the highest? Just wondering… I hope my state can actually be good at something.


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