Bored by the lack of MMORPG’s in my life, I have composed another poem about MMORPG’s… making this blog 98. 2 more to go till the triple D’s. Awsome…
Again I sit here in my leather chair
And wonder why it isn’t that fair
To see people playing their MMO’s
While I’m left here to drabble in my own woes
I play oblivion, I play company of heros
And yet I remain, amongst all the zeros
My only rejoice is to post all my blogs
Before my mother, tells me to come split some logs
And make all the blogs with passion from me
Plus know its mmo, so it can get past MipSacri
And if they see this, and it makes them mad
I hope they don’t ban it, cause then I’d be sad
Maple story doesn’t work no matter what i try
as I fix and repair and go farther to pry
But alas all I can do is format my PC
and hope this mmo lock can soon become free
With no school today and tommarow is friday
I can jump up and laugh and smile all day
Cept I got work to do like shoveling snow
Ah crap hold on, I got to “go”
That was refreshing, I feel totally revived
Let me think of what to use to ryhme with revived
Well technically that worked, I do not care how
I totally tackled that rhyme just like an steel plow
Continuing to rhyme I think of some names
cause rhyming is fun when you add a few games
Like taking the name Waffles and changing it around
And making it quaffles that tend to hit the ground
You know what a quaffle is, its off Harry Potter
I’ve seen all four, ending with that one with the water
Or acting like a Ninja just like fpooned
(Line erased since Grimno cannot think of a rhyme for fpooned…seriosuly.)
Then theres Master Cheeze
Whos swaying in the breeze
High up in some trees
Getting some honey from dem bees
Now I look at Spearhog who I don’t know that well
But the rumors abound say that he is pretty swell
Oh look its EpicTales
Oh the tales he can tell
I know its wrong, I know its not right
making these rhymes is going to start a big fight
But I blog and I rhyme about MMO’s
and again I am troubled only by my own woes
But I say “bring it on” as I weild up this large sword
and get ready to pounce into that blue dodge ford
I am just kidding, no need to get mad
I am just blogging, you all should be glad!
Cause I’m mentioning you into my own daily blog
And am afraid you going to soon find me, and give me a flog
Don’t ask what it means, its suppose to be floggin
And yet I still can’t get past the MMO Login!
Bored of the rhyme and tired of the time
I remembered I had found a golden French Dime
It was in a paint box, back in school
and as I picked it up, I mouthed the words “cool”
With all said and done, I now post the blog
About my troubles I post in the log
Its got MMO’s so its in the clear
Do not complain cause I don’t want to hear.
This poem was comedy =]
Definitley brightened up my day
Nice poem! XD
I demand to be in it! XD
this is such an awesome poem
its funny!
Poems <3
This is an inlighting poem! =3
I love it!^_^ Nice rhymes, and clever made up words! ^o^
– Little preacher man.
Excellent poem.
I liked the Fpooned part.
LMAO! You compared me to Winnie the Pooh? That’s ok, at least you mentioned me. Now I know you care.
Dang I’n not popular enough to be in your poem. Lol good one btw.
-=The Nazgul=-
Lol, I can’t tell tales xD