I’m Back, Greenier Then Ever?

Hey there, I’m back, a little irritated, but happier then ever. You should know that my account was hacked, but instead of bad things happening, things got even better.

For Example, I’ve got a new dit now. My friend’s acc, and I find playing it much more intersting than my Sin. So… I guess I’m back to my ‘ol self.

But, (There’s always an exception) I found school irritating. For example, I had loads of homework, and I often find myself struggling with homework and revision. I seriously can’t understand teachers… I find that they keep trying to torture me with homework, homework and more homework! Talk about torture chambers.

The only good news is that I have achieved astounding results for my Preliminary examination. The results even surprised me. I managed to get 3 A stars and 1 high A. 259 / 300 , not bad at all.

So anyway, that’s around a short summary of what happened the few weeks I didn’t blog. Now, I think I’ll write the fan-fic I’m at work on.

How It Began [Chapter 2]

Terry scratched his chin irritably and gazed at the overcast sky. The sea-sickness was getting to him again and he felt his stomach lurch whenever the ship veered to left or right. Veil stood at his side, admiring the deep blue sea and Rain was sitting on a nearby bench, reading a book.

‘This wasn’t what I had expected,’ Terry muttered, his eyes darting around the upper deck of the boat. He had planned to enjoy his holidays, and as it seemed to be getting boring, wished that things would get intersting. Unfortuanately, he figured that this was way more than he could chew, and wanted to take the wish back.

‘Sir, you should retreat back into the cabins, it’s going to rain soon,’ a ship assistant stammered as he looked worriedly at the trio’s weapons. Terry nodded and without one more word, trudged back to his assigned cabin, a torrent of thoughts insie his mind.

The cloaked figure stood staring at the dark sky. A drunkard stumbled over and catching sight of the cloaked figure, walked over and smiled. ‘Troubles, milady?’

The woman turned around and stared at the drunkard, who was grinning broadly. She ignored him and turned back to gaze at the ocean. ‘Aw, don’t ignore me, you know you want -‘

She turned around, and under the dim moonlight, the drunkard noticed her teeth gritting. ‘Shut. Up.’ she said through her gritted teeth and moved towards the back of the ship. The drunkard grinned and stumbled over, laying his arms over her shoulders. ‘Oh c’mon – ‘

He heard a swift sound and before he could tell what was happening, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach and he looked down only to see that his stomach was bleeding profusely. ‘What the-‘ Even before he could finish, he felt himself being thrown back. He backstepped furiously before charging forward, his face disfigured by a vicious snarl. His left hand gripped his bloody torso while his right hand carried a broken glass bottle.

The woman charged forward with inhuman speed and in a split second, the drunkard felt a dagger protruding out of his back and he dropped to the floor, vomiting blood onto the wooden floor.

The woman walked back towards the cabin and let the wound take its toll. Before she left, she turned around and grinned. ‘El Savoure,’ she said, raising one of her hand and waving before the darkness of the stairs engulfed her. The drunkard’s eyes widened. ‘T- The – ‘ He was yet to finish his words but with a final cough, his body went limp.

How It Began [Prologue]’s link
How It Began [Chapter 1]’s link

Thanks for reading. Cookies, anyone?

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