Greenie’s Latest Update

Sup guys and gals. I guess this blog will be shorter as I ruined my previous blog i had written halfway by pressing backspace outside of the typing box, causing me to go back to MMotales.. Wordpad, microsoft words ftw. So anyway, I recently played more of Maplestory, and I was invited to a wedding.

Yeah, I know, I get plenty of invitations all the time. But anyway, it was my Maple jie’s wedding, so I had to go and congratulate them. When I got there, I noticed lots of people had already gathered there and were pratically begging for the invitations. I wondered if they had better things to do then begging, but heck.

To most of them, this was the first wedding they attended, thus, when we got to the wedding hall, some of them did not know what to do, and as my name was the easiest to remember, I was constantly spammed with questions of how to get into the wedding hall. I knew I should have gotten a complicated name! >.

However, at the wedding box part, I can’t help but to think why were they taking so long to poke boxes in the wedding box. I mean, at some traditional weddings, after you are lawfully married, you will go to a room to make love so – Aw, nvm, no dirty thoughts .

After the wedding ended, you get a ‘gift’ and I got 100 white pots. Eh.. Thanks?

Anyway, A few days later, I went to OPQ, and everything went smoothly until PAPA pixie. The cleric dc’ed. whatcool?! But anyway, we still defeated papa pixie, however, I burnt lots of my unagi >D. 100k down the drain, T_T.

After the pq ended, I got another 100 white pots. Yey. -Cries silently-

Anyway, later, one of my pt member wanted to go to KFT, and he asked me whether I wanna go. I jumped at the chance, and we made our way down the tower, and through aqua road. However the journey would have been smoother if he did not constantly dc.

Later, we fought the goblin boss and when we defeated it, he dced. Again. For the 10th time. I stared at the party system, and waited impatiently for him to get his butt back on. But did he? Naa. So I went to Ludi, and along the way, made fun of retz that I found looking like hamtaro. Clockworkmouses actually eat sunflower seeds? o.o.

Then, I decided to go to FM, and I found a steely. Selling at 2.9m. cool UBBER what. I was SHOCKED. It was sold. IF ONI I HAD BEEN THERE TO BUY IT. RAWR.

Anyway, I guess that’s the end of my Maple day.

However, it’s not the end of this blog. Uh uh. -Glares at anybody moving their mouse to the ‘back’ button-

Instead, I have links to Youtube videos, where I have cried watching it. I can’t believe it, I’ve never cried watching youtube vids before, but I did.

Here are the links.




&feature=relatedA music video I found really touching.

There, that’s it. I guess it’s goodbye now? . Here are some choclate coated waffle cookies for all of you.

4 thoughts on “Greenie’s Latest Update”

  1. AznxKnife, you seriously monitor blogs 24 hrs >.<, After editing it for a moment, poof, two likes. Thanks .

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