Maplestory- Criticism

Sorry if i spelled that wrong, or anything in this. I just have something to say.
~And no, i do not support or condone hacking in any way.

I can’t believe some of these people in this game… seriously…

Today i went in the fm and found a cheap Varkit (3 above average, and only Zakum and Pap drop it…) for 25 mil. So i decided to buy and make a profit off it right? So i go and track down some of the high levels in this game, in my server (Broa). I haven’t had any problems with people untill now. popLolz kinda made me flip today.. So i whisper him asking if he wants to buy it, so he calls me a hacker. So i explain to him what i did, and he still insists im a hacker… even after I explained… So i talk to him and explain to him what his problem is, and what many people’s problem in this game is…

People take this game very serious, they need to realise that its just a game. This game does not effect your real life in any way, stop acting like it does… Because if it does, then there is some obvious problem there…

Just wanted to take a minute to rant. Go ahead and flame me, whatever. I just wanted to say my opinion about some of the high level “Legit” people in this game…

Btw, if you flame me, or say something good… Whatever, i most likely will never read this thing again, i just wanted to press the issue…

5 thoughts on “Maplestory- Criticism”

  1. I’d believe you. As long as you look like you can cough up the cash for it. ect. ect. I only call people hackers when they seem liek they are in god mode for a long time, or vac, or float around (like vac hackers in the sewers)

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