The Blue Spot

Alright so im just prancing around hensys and randomly smootching other people with my Nx-ified F8 button, when my friend asks me to go to the fm cause he wants to show me something.

So i go there and JUST when i enter the FM map i see a blue spot below my char. (see first pic).
Now, this would have been fine if it didnt FOLLOW me.
Yes…it FOLLOWED me.
Now, i like blue as you can see from my blue spiky virtual hair and um..wings but thats just creepy.
Now i ask you fellow MMOtaler’s, is this a online conspiracy or is it some kind of weird rare..glitch thingie?

On second note, theres been alot of maplers that um..have a nx face that kinda looks like the second pic.
Most people call it the fishy face, but honestly y’know i have a friend that has a face like that in a girl style and shes REALLY pretty with the outfit that she bought for it. And i’ve seen her get flamed for it cause people think shes ugly. I dont see how the guy in the pic or my friend Ariup is/are ugly. Maybe its when they make F1-7 faces that people laugh and say OMG YOUR UGLY cause it kinda looks like they just had botox or something.

And thirdly, remember the first paragraph about the blue spot? right before that happened there was this noob that came in with hacks on and started flying ALL over the place.
It was kinda funny cause he actually thought he was cool…x3
Okok, the flying itself was cool but him for using hacks? not really.
((see pic 3))

Peace outttt MMO-talers

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