Yay! Level 100 armor <3

After killing 3 Pianuses. . .

All with where 3 hackers come and loot everything,

Me and my guild persuaded the last one to finally leave.

And just about time too =0

As we removed the last remnants of the blue HP bar. . .
the death animation came forth, claiming the life of the giant orange fish.

As it dried into bone, a few items dropped, awaiting to be picked up.
I picked up the first item I saw flashing in front of me, as all my guild members rushed forward.
As if time stopped, the blue overall spun and swirled about, 3 times in the air, before, surprisingly, landing at my very feet. I pressed the loot key, and it sprung into my inventory.

I found a blue katte!
I’m so happy ^^;;

Just a random blog.

5 thoughts on “Yay! Level 100 armor <3”

  1. Wow fightning pianus at 81 . . .I would reckon that as courting death.
    But with hb I guess its alright . . .

  2. Well, with a good party, you could.

    Let’s see. . . 101 Chief Bandit. .
    100 Ice/ Lightning Magician. . .
    100 Fire/ Poison Magician o.O;;
    116 White Knight
    114 Dragon Knight
    And a level 88 Priest ^^;;
    The Ice/ Lightning left early, while the WK came later.

    I got a few good correspondents here and there

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