woot, FlyFF

I just started like saturday or something, and just yesterday i got to lvl 20, and im like, ZOMGZX IMSA GONNAZ FL1 NAO! so i went flying on my hover board i had sitting in my pack since lvl 15…… it as fun, i prefer sliding along the ground over flying through the air…… ya, fun. id like to know tho, how can i kill the “small mothbees” in the air, cuz im a merc and its kinda hard…… they are really pissin me off. everytime i get close enough to attack, they fly away…… i wanna ride my next board, hover board is too slow, so any help is appreciated.

4 thoughts on “woot, FlyFF”

  1. Target one with TAB, then press Z. You’ll follow what you’re targeting, and press insert to attack. (Or hold it.) Watch out, they’re powerful, so have food ready. Glad you’re enjoying Flyff!

  2. XD I hope you enjoy it, because it gets annoying once your level 60+

    trust me, going to darkon 3 is boring, very boring, XD

  3. Woot.

    Hey, I remember you.
    A long time ago.

    Damn, good times back then on MMO. . .


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