Oh GMs, where are you?

Hackers…What do they do? They ruin stuff for other people, whether or not they’re doing it for themselves, or for other people. What happens? They get away with it. What’s the problem? Not enough GMs on patrol, because of the little amount of people who can actually afford to or buy NX Cash items to pay for their job well done. I’m sure that if it were any of you non hackers, you would probably want to be a GM without being paid (ok, I know that playing a game for pay sounds good, but what’s the point if you’re only one person in one server?). *sigh* If only the pre-paid NX Cash cards would come, maybe alot more people could actually change Maple. If NX Games ever does, they will most likely save people from these hackers that prove they suck by hacking. Maybe with the larger intake of cash they can get from the cards, maybe there would be more GMs on patrol. I’m just saying, maybe the cards are hope for a better tomorrow.

And for those of you on this site who are hackers, do yourself and everyone a favor: quit showing that you suck, and quit making others suffer for it.

-GIR676 (ya got any of them taquitos?)

3 thoughts on “Oh GMs, where are you?”

  1. Hey i think that hackers should go off but i wish there was a easyer way to get NX cash instead of buying and what are Maple Points how do u get these Maple Points?!

  2. maple points are won in contests that the global maple site holds, they had one where you had to describe the best time ever playing maple for the anniversary event. and i did say that PROBABLY, just maybe, they will come out with pre-paid NX Cash cards. I’m not sure, but it’s just a guess. I know Maple SEA does this already.

  3. They have a poll about opening Pre-Paid cards for gMS, a lot of people are excited about it, and they’ll make a hell lotta money if they do make the cards (I know I’ll buy at least thirty dollars), so if they don’t release pre-paid cards, then,
    Wow, Wizet’ll suck.

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