Is This For Real? Part 8

I just couldn’t figure out what was happening to me. I had these visions and none of them were coming true. Maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me, yeah, that’s all it is.

I was in my usual spot on the hill taking in the beautiful sight of the full moon that was out tonight. I slowly closed my eyes and relaxed to the quietness of the land. As I dreamt off into a light sleep, I had yet another vision.

I heard screaming and could see a bright light in the distance. The light was followed by a thick smoke. I quickly got up and headed for the entrance to Henesys. I jetted down the deserted streets towards the cries for help. As I made my final turn onto the street I lived on, I saw something horrifying. My house.. It was consumed into flames. Without thinking I ran the rest of the way to my home and saw that everyone was running from me. But I didn’t have time to ponder this; I raced into the burning building and saw another horrifying sight.

I awoke from the scare of the dream, but I anticipated awaking on top of the hill from which I had fallen asleep on. Instead, I was inside my home.. which was on fire. I looked around in grief, what was going on?! I turned to my right and saw the last thing before waking up, the bodies of my family and friends. I fell to their sides crying with pain. Jeremy.. Niecey.. Sherry.. all gone.. But, they didn’t die from burns, they died from battle wounds. Without hesitation, I searched for the last person who was in the house that had meaning to my life. I raced upstairs using my Magic Guard to protect myself from the flames. I found Jenny in the closet crying her eyes out.

“Frankie.. is that you..?” She asked wearily.
“Don’t worry, I’m going to get you out of here!” I assured her with confidence.
I picked her up and put her arms around my neck and told her to try to support herself by hanging onto me. I then walked quickly trying not to stumble down the stairs. I ran outside the house and into the darkened streets where it was safe. I panted with exhaustion, but I was wrong when saying it was safe outside. The townspeople saw me holding Jenny in my arms and said, “Kill him before he kills her too!” I used my teleport to make my quick escape into the Dungeon.

“Frankie..?” She asked in a daze.
“Jenny it’s okay, you’re safe.” I replied setting her down the soft floor of the swamp.
“What happened?”
“Someone came and burned down the house.. and they murdered everyone too.. and for some reason, the people of Henesys think I was the one who did it.”
“Why would they think that?”
“I’m not sure. But I’m going to get to the bottom of it. Are you able to walk so I can get us rooms in the Sleepywood Hotel?”
“I can try.”

I helped her up and we walked to the hotel. I asked the person at the front desk if we could have a room. He kindly handed over a key after I paid him the mesos for a few days stay. I helped Jenny up to our room and sat her down in a chair. I then took off all my equipment and quickly washed off all the sweat that I had collected. I came back into the room and found Jenny had already regained the ability to walk. I walked over to her and placed my hands on her hips and she put hers on my chest. I then touched our foreheads while letting out my tears. She embraced me with a hug and I just let it all out. My friends.. they were gone and nothing could bring them back.. The rage that flowed into me dried my tears and strengthened me.

What was happening?! I had to realize that Jenny was in my arms. I calmed down which only brought back my tears. I broke our hug and got into the bed and stared at the ceiling. Jenny soon got in after showering first. She put one arm over me and laid her head on my chest.

“Frankie, everything’s going to be okay, understand?”
“… I guess.”
She then got on top of me and put both her hands on my face.
“Frankie, I’m sorry your family is gone. But please don’t leave me..”
“Who said I was going to leave you? I love you, and I never want to leave your side.”
“I love you too..”

She leaned in and kissed me passionately. I returned her kiss. I loved her with all my heart, it was true. But with my family gone.. I just wanted revenge. Just then a mental picture came to me of the Spearman from my vision, Monty. Was he the one who killed them?

Jenny’s lips backed away from mine and she rested on me. I held her as the revengeful emotions continued to flow through me. I was going to kill Monty.. and no one was going to stop me.

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