Is This For Real? Part 7

It was warm inside Grendel’s home. My eyes opened slightly, and I heard talking amongst several people.

“Is he going to be okay masters?”
“He will be fine, but he is going to need plenty of bed rest.”
“He’s waking up!”

I opened my eyes completely now, and saw Jeremy, Sherry, and the Job Masters. Sitting next to me holding my hands was Jenny.
“Where.. What happened?” I asked.
“You were attacked, by that spearman.” Answered the Dark Lord.
“You are lucky to be alive Frankie, your legs and one arm are broken.” Added Balrog.
“Come, let him have his rest.”
They all left as I drifted off into a deep sleep.

-A few weeks later had gone by and my bones healed quickly with the help of some healing from Grendel-

I was back to normal. Normal being at home, and making dinner for everyone as usual. But as I cut the vegetables, I still thought of revenge. I just couldn’t get it out of my head.

The next day, would be a happy one, but would bring about answers. Answers, I would never expect.

I was with Jenny the next day, at the top of the hill watching the sunset for the second time. For a moment she actually closed her eyes and held me tight. I looked down, seeing her beautiful face. Oh how she was so.. amazingly perfect. It just seemed as if there was no way to actually tell her how much I loved her. All though I couldn’t tell her, I could think it. I loved her with all my heart, and every time I was with her, my heart just kept on cramming more of her love into it. There was nothing in this world, I wouldn’t do for her. She opened her eyes to me, and we stared into each other’s. Before I knew it, I felt myself leaning in, and noticed she was leaning up. Our lips touched and our eyes were sealed. Her lips were so.. warm. At that moment, all we thought of was “I love you, so much..”

Being that was all we thought of, left me unguarded. I felt something grab my newly healed left leg and pull me with a great force. I was then flung into air.
“Frankie!” Jenny cried out.
I looked back still falling in air from the top of the hill, seeing her being taken away. Just then, I looked up and someone tackled me. That’s right, I was tackled in mid-air. Our hands interlocked and we swirled in the summer time air. A few seconds later we hit the floor, I on the bottom. My back pulsed with pain, but I kicked the muscular figure off of me. I stood up and was jolted by the arm and thrown into a nearby tree. The tree fell from the force of which I was compelled into it. I somehow managed to get up and fire some Holy Arrows with the last of my magic. The figure had dodged every one of them! He used no weapons, just his fists to take me down. First the stomach, then the cheek, and last he took me out with a blow dead center of my face.

Jenny rushed to the side of me and held onto me. Two figures approached slowly and tore us apart. I fainted hearing Jenny shrieking in terror.

A few hours later, I awoke somewhere in a cavern in the Dungeon. I looked around and found Jenny tied up in the corner of the room. Someone grabbed me by shirt and tossed me towards her. I wandered my hazel eyes upward finding the Spearman, and… four other people, in different colored robes. I didn’t recognize them because they were hooded.

“That’s it, tell me your name right now!” I commanded the Spearman.
“My name is Monty. And these, are the Grand Masters of Ossyria.”
My eyes widened as I realized he was right. There was Tylus the Warrior Grand Master, Arec of the Thief class, Robeira for the Magicians, and Rene of the Archers. Why were they doing this to some Cleric and his girlfriend from Henesys? I saw them preparing for an attack and closed my eyes and held onto Jenny.

But when I reopened my eyes.. I was back on the hill, pulling away from the kiss I had just given Jenny.
“I love you Frankie.” She said softly.
“I-I love you too.”
What the heck just happened? For a moment it seemed as if I was going to die.. I looked to the sunset at the same time Jenny had.
“What is happening to me?” I thought.

2 thoughts on “Is This For Real? Part 7”

  1. o.o wat is happenin to ya? haha, i bet u want to kiss jenny like dat in r/l ~.^ hahaha! keep on writin uncle frankie. . .

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