Vote for Gore


I’m running for Maplestory President.

You’ve never heard of the Maplestory President? Well you probably haven’t since the last one was assassinated by a member of the Dark Maple Brotherhood. There is no connection to the fact that I happen to be the leader….

Anyway, Wizet made an election for the Maplestory President before they decided to make GMs. The voting took place in Henesys during one day from 6 in the morning to 6 at night. The President was chosen but before he could even make take his oath of office, he was killed. The assassin stuck a steely in his back while he was AFK and was gone before the Secret Service could react. So Wizet decided to scrap the idea of having a Maplestory President.

The Maplestory President was supposed to regulate the economy and make sure that prices did not change too drastically, but instead they made the tax system. And in addition, purposely made the tax lower if you bought a shop with real money. He would also be like a GM, but he would appoint people to find hackers for him and then just press the BAN button.

And whenever people started protests against Wizet, he would go to the protest and hand out megaphones to calm the crowd. Then if the megaphones were used to oppose Wizet, they would be banned. It was bullet proof.

Whenever a new patch came out, the President would have to make a speech about what gamers would get when it came out. And he had a Silence spell that, unlike in regular RPGs where it stopped spellcasting, would stop people from talking if they came too close to the President. A similar one was created to keep noobs away from the President.

Then every year a new one would be elected. This year, they decided to bring the idea back. Kind of. At least they will once I get the support of the people.

I even made* this campaign button-


What about political parties?

The President belonged to the Mage Party. There were mostly mages, but archers joined as well. There was also the Fighters Party. It had warriors, assassins, and archers. Those were the main parties, but there were also some of those third parties that no body pays attention. They are-

Nation Hackerist Maplestory Grinders Party
Concerned Players for Noob Rights
Boar Party
Philosopher Party
Know Everything Party
Orange Party

Is this just a joke?

Of course not**.

In a few days I’ll be going on a campaign to all of the different servers to take a survery to see who people are going to vote for. My opponent is Zakum. He hopes to finally escape from his low paying job of being killed for a living, and become President of Maplestory.

Sure, people with the name Gore haven’t been so successful when it comes to Presidential elections, but I’m nothing like Al Gore. It’s just a strange coincidence that my name happens to be Al Gore if you remove the “gener” from it. I’ve realized it quite a few times on Xbox Live when someone has to point it out to me.

Yes I know “Al Gore” ha ha. Jerks.

Anyway, when I become President I will stop with these ‘mesos’ that everyone uses in Maplestory. Gore Points are the way of the future. It sounds much better then mesos. Good thing Maplestory has no check and balances like in the real world or I wouldn’t be able to pass any kinds of laws that I wanted.

Too bad this wasn’t some High School class President election or I could just make some bogus promise that the absent-minded students would forget about the next day (that has happened at my school).

So, in a few days I’ll post another blog with the results of my ‘election’ and I’ll have some screenshots.

12 thoughts on “Vote for Gore”

  1. I never got assassinated by anyone from the Dark Maple Brotherhood. I just gave up my position, because Nexon pays you [explicit word for poop].

    J/K. But just remember, there are other candidates… *runs for president*

  2. Goooooooooooooooooo Gore! I’ll vote for you cause i like cows.

    A A
    (>< ) MOO?


  3. Of course, no tyrant is complete without a rival.
    And if there 8 parties, there must be 8 dictat. . ., ahem, leaders.

    Veggie is already one. 😛
    Anyone else? Nominations are open.


  4. GeneralGore said: “Well you probably haven’t since the last one was assassinated by a member of the Dark Maple Brotherhood.”




  5. Dude! I nominate myself! Ahahahaha! This is going to be swell I tell ya! 😀
    ~If you don’t vote for Cheezy, then get the hell outta here ya bum!

    ~Cheezy for Prez pl0x

  6. Uh, I vote for GORE? Ya!
    I even punched the little puncher! *Punches puncher thingey*
    I’ll be makeing the campain shirts! What materials would you like, satan, or course? I like the white shirts! =D

    – Little preacher man.

  7. Tear down the Gore-athon Race!
    Vote for the ShadowKnife-athonic (Emo-sounding, D’=) Party! Where WE Meet YOUR Needs!

  8. Satan? As in the devil? o_O
    I’m gonna be one of those people that register to vote but never do. . . Woooot~!

  9. sapphire8 said: “I think Leif meant satin.”

    Ya, that’s what I meant. . . <.<
    Sorry. . . T.T”

    <.< ^o^

    – Little preacher man.

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