Randomness Update

It’s been a while (for me anyways) since I made a blog.

Nothing has been happening, I’m just lazy.

So here is a random update.

In WoW news I made it to level 16 on my main character. I might be getting a faster computer soon (but compared to my current computer running on Windows 98, that isn’t saying much) so I won’t have an incredible amount of lag while I’m playing. I also wanted to get Burning Crusade, but my computer doesn’t have enough of anything to install it.

In my regular RPG life, I started to play Oblivion for the 360 a lot more. I found out that you could change the difficulty level, so I could be a super-midevil soldier. I guess regular RPGs will do until I can play Warcraft at a decent frame rate thingie. For now I’ll just pretend that the NPCs in the game are real players. This is a regular day playing Oblivion-

Beggar- spare a coin pl0x?

Me- go away noob



Guard- lol, you go to jailorz

Me- You’re not a GM!




Pheasant- lol, defame

Me- Now I can’t wear my cloak of indestructoability with +2 agility and 5 charges…

*in mage guild*

Me- buying fame@@@@@@

Mage- offur?

Me- 2k?

Mage- ripoff lol@@@!!!eleven11!!


Arch-Mage- ur band frum the guild till u get 20 vampire dusts and 20 daedra hearts

Me- I never liked your guild anyway

The last part actually happened, but I killed the member accidentally while stealing a weird arrow that the Thieves Guild wanted. Stupid Mages.

I also subscribed to GameFly. I can’t afford to buy all of the games that I want to play, and BlockBuster never has any games in stock. They bought 30 copies of Call of Duty 3 for the PS2, and only got 1 for the 360. I counted.

Speaking of counting, a lot of people seem to be playing FlyFF. Every time I check the homepage, there is some ‘I joined FlyFF and it’s cool’ type of blog. Maybe it’s just me but I never really liked FlyFF. I still have it on my desktop because I never got around to uninstalling it.

I played it once and got mad because for some reason those flying winged monsters wouldn’t give me any experience once I got to level 4. I just got discouraged and didn’t bother to find out why. Maybe I could start playing again some time since someone would probably give me free stuff (cough).

Just kidding.

But, going back to the 360, I downloaded the GRAW 2 demo. It’s sweet. I got through half of it, but once I got my NPC teammates I kept getting killed by a mortar. It’s much more fun when you are the one shooting people with it in Call of Dity 3. To quote that extremely weird short story that Gary Paulson wrote about Vietnam “they just make a *wump* when they fire, and you never know where it was going to hit, but it always felt like it was going to hit you in the back”.

That probably isn’t it exactly, but I read that 5 months ago. My English teacher just likes to skip around and doesn’t really teach us anything. Yesterday, she gave us back a paper we worked on 4 months ago so we could revise it.

At least my English teacher last year could walk across the room without tiring themself out. There should be some kind of law against old teachers. They should have saved enough money to retire after 30 years >< Unless they would want to move to some isolated island where they would never have to look at another child again.

So what was I talking about again? Oh yeah. Yesterday I went to a Maplestory wedding because they didn’t have enough friends so they picked some of those random people who stand outside the chapel begging to get an invite. It’s not like real life, where no one wants to go to a wedding.

So anyway, we got into the church and it looked really weird. I mean, what kind of church has seats that are on the second story, and none on the bottom? They two people stood there for a while and then some huge heart came out of nowhere. It scared me since I was half-asleep.

After that, we went to some hidden training ground and killed innocent cakes for fun. Nexon is so cruel to tasty deserts like cake. Then we all had to give them gifts, but I pretended that I was away from my keyboard since I had nothing to give them. I was surprised that no one noticed I wasn’t wearing any clothes the entire time.

Then we stood around for a while and people took e-pictures. But all of the guys were just F3ing the NPC while the couple yelled at us. Then we dropped potions and pretended to drink them because we had nothing better to do.

And at the end there was an interesting conversation…

Bride- I’m a guy

Groom- OMG!

Bride- Do you still love me?

Groom- No! I just wasted $30 so I could get married to a guy!

Bride- Well, this could be a funny story to tell our kids some day.

Groom- What kids? Get out of here!

Bride- Actually, I am a girl. I just wanted to see if you still loved me.

Me- Awkward…

Oh wait, that wasn’t me who went to the wedding. I just saw some screen shots and added commentary. I guess I should stop drinking so much Mountain Dew before I go to bed.

Well, that’s all I can think of for now.

comments pl0x

3 thoughts on “Randomness Update”

  1. Lmao. I forgot to reply to this when I was here at school. It’s still as funny now as it was then. xD


  2. Huh, didn’t realize this blog was new till I saw it on the front page (I was re-reading Gore’s previous blog o_O)


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