28 thoughts on “[GComic] The truth about Death Teddies.”

  1. Lol, sledgehammers and hilarious faces!
    What’s next?
    Maybe make one about drum bunnies!*hint hint*
    (Can you hear me now? Lol)

    ~LaZzz. . .

  2. Rofl.

    Your post is too short, if you don’t have anything useful to say, don’t say it.

  3. xXyZaThEx said: “Rofl.

    Your post is too short, if you don’t have anything useful to say, don’t say it.”

    Lies, that post is not too short.

    -points below- see?

  4. EvilStranger said: “

    SilverFx said: “I, don’t get it? O_O



    Nope necrophilia.

  5. ShiningWings said: “It’s necrophilia.

    Um, if it was necrophilia, I don’t think that teddy bear thing would have been able to talk.

    So tis be rape.

  6. Dest1 said: “

    ShiningWings said: “It’s necrophilia.

    Um, if it was necrophilia, I don’t think that teddy bear thing would have been able to talk.

    So tis be rape.”

    Whoah, good point.

  7. MasterCheeze said: “

    Dest1 said: “

    ShiningWings said: “It’s necrophilia.

    Um, if it was necrophilia, I don’t think that teddy bear thing would have been able to talk.

    So tis be rape.”

    Whoah, good point.”

    Hahas. Yeah. Anyways, Great comic once again. -Presents Gold w Honours award-

  8. Omg I love your comics I am inspired by your comics and I am going to try to make one .

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