Lagging and Dying

I don’t knowif it’s just me, but MS was lagging pretty bad yesterday…I died 3 times! And I never die..

I was in the tower between Orbis and El Nath doing those Jr. Pepe quests..and I guess there were too many of them and it made me matter how many times I pressed for pots, they didn’t work. >.<!

Stupid pepes! Cost me like 15% EXP. D:

7 thoughts on “Lagging and Dying”

  1. I should train my Fizzard on those Pepes, and get a 60% Glove Attack Scroll too! I forgot I didn’t do that quest yet! D<

  2. Ditto CrisNoob. >D
    I was so fed up with that quest, I actually wrote a jibe about it in my fanfic, lulz. *happily amuses self*

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