Well, this is it..my first post here. I’m gonna keep it short and sweet, since I’m off to bed in a few minutes.
Just started playing MS again after taking a couple of months off (moved into a new apartment, started a new job, etc..) and went back into doing some quests.
I had forgotten which keys did what emotes, so I was giving some pretty weird responses to some people, and they were all like, o_O what’s wrong with you?
But other than that, I’m happy to be mapling again every now and then.
There’s a screenie of me hanging out at Omega. She looks sleepy, too. x3
And I’m off to bed! @w@
Welcome to MMOtales~
Your charrie looks cute. 
Witch ;D
You look spifftastic
@Anni: You should start that whole welcome thing again.
Welcome, dear insane one.
@Silsil: >O Butbutbut. I forgot what were teh ‘unofficial rules’ again. . . .
Welcome to MMOTales.
I’ll go find them! >=O But Mip just deserted the site. . . D:
Got it, and editted it. Don’t think it counts anymore. XD
View: Here
Oh where are my manners? Welcome to MMOTales, it’s pretty fun here, and much more better than that ugly site Profil3. >>’ Anyhow, hope you enjoy your stay! I’m Darkie by the way. =]
REMEMEBR TO THROW HUGE DESSERTS AT Annikabelle cuz she likes it! >=3
Welcome to MMOTales, do drugs they’re good for your health.
Welcome to MMOTales! I am The Nazgul, the resident fanfic writer. Watch out for my fell beast and all that jazz.
-=The Nazgul=-
Aww, thanks guys.
Welcome and such
You’re meeean, I didn’t abandon the site, I’m still here, just lurking~
Welcome to MMOTales. Everyone seems to have done my job for me, so I shall just applaud you for making a great intro blog.
Enjoy your stay!
i added u to my friends list btw =D