like WHAT?

i just got back from holidays in “the state of happiness” and i log on to maple. i get a note, and not just any note, a note saying i got kicked out of the guild. a guild i have been with for 6 months now…or something like that, i was part of the original 6 starting that damn thing, i paid over half a mill to help extend that shyt, AND THEN THEY BLOODY WELL KICK ME WHEN I AM NOT EVEN THERE. now i know that some guilds will kick you if you arent online enough, but i told them, even posted on the guildforum, that i was going away for a week and that i’d be back. n

now ofcourse the fact that i got kicked is somewhat, well painfull, especially if i must believe the reason why. it went like this….the leader and my friend (also my friend in real life) said: gabs (my nickname) sucks, and kicked me…-_-. makes no sense whatsoever. that my friend had part in it….well she’ll be dead soon :P( just kidding, just kidding, i’ll only burst her eardrums with my accusations/name calling :P). nobody messes with me, or my axe (i use swords, but lets not get into that one).w

ell i got over it now, screw them. it’s just a game

4 thoughts on “like WHAT?”

  1. Thats so dumb lol people are so mean sometimes, Im sure youll find a much friendlier guild =]

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