MapleStory Perverts (and other stuff)

Today, I shall be ranting about something that happened last night, and then blogging about today. I would call this a “Rog” or a “Blant” but neither or those are options, so I’ll just call it “Bad experience”, since today was lame too.

Ok, first off, I was up a little late last night, until around maybe one am (PST if anyone cares) so there wasn’t too many people on, most had gone to bed already or just had a genral life to live. After getting around 50% or so into my level, I decided to go sell some scrolls that had been sitting in my inventroy. Mostly Defence scrolls, nothing good to me. Finding myself in Henesys, I pop into the Free Market and start advertising, something like 40k a scroll (they were worthless things) and a nice Page comes up and buys the lot, so I gave him a discount. I had planned to be there longer, so I figure, “Might aswell sell some of these ores too.”

I find ores much faster sells outside of Free Market, so I go over near the Taxi and start offering my ores for 1k each, just trying to make some space. After a couple sells, I get another trade request (I wish I wrote down the name ~kicks herself~) and accepted.

Frecce: Hello
Person: Hi
Frecce: What would you like?
~Person adds a Silver Snowboard to trade, above average I think~
Frecce: I’m sorry, cash please.
Person: For you
Frecce: . . .
Frecce: Free?
Person: Yes.
Frecce: Oh, thanks! ^^
Person: . . .
Person: But . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Frecce: ?
Person: First I want to <<four letter work, starts with F>> you.
Frecce: Pervert.

After that I quickly closed the trade, made a few comments to the area about what he did and such, and it took him about 10 seconds to change channels.

Seriously? Did he really think he was going to get anything from me for a SNOWBOARD? Oh my god, some people are just…..UGGG. That has got to be the highlight of my MMO life. I’ve had cybering requests before, but none have treated me like a prostitute. CRIMANY. Anyway, that was the last straw for that night, so I logged off and settled down for some sleep, but all night it bothered me that there are people that can be so . . . so . . . I have no idea what to call that.

The following morning, which I guess would be today but if feels longer, I didn’t feel like dealing with people, so I just watched some mindless TV ( My Hero on BBCA ~<3 ) and then held up in my room. Doodled some, remembered how bad I am at it, and a few bowls of cerial later, I decided to go on Maple again. I scanned over the Hidden Street pages to find some quests that I could do alone, and found a few good ones.

Four jump quests and a few hundred Ribbion Pigs later, I was about 76% in my level (speed experience right there -.- ) and logged off. Now here I sit, bored, ranted out, and still a bit anti-social. No pics today because, well I forgot to tak one of the perv and nothing real fun happened.

Frecce out.

P.S. FYI, Frecce isn’t my name. It’s Italian for Arrows (my main is a Hunter, get it? Oh I am a wit, aren’t I? [Also I don’t speak Italian, ~<3 Google]).

9 thoughts on “MapleStory Perverts (and other stuff)”

  1. Frecce said: “Seriously? Did he really think he was going to get anything from me for a SNOWBOARD? Oh my god, some people are just, UGGG.”

    Welll agreed! I’m a guy, and and I wonder why you here only guys say things like that. . . -_-“
    But, don’t let them get to your head, always be polite, and try not to curse them out. . . that never works. . . *Hint, hint!* <.< ^_^

    – Little preacher man.

  2. Wow. Silver snowboard is worth that?!? *Cough* Yea right. Well, tell that person to go to Basil and check the prices out >.>. Anyway, even 100m mesos aren’t worth that.

    Zzz. Those perverts >.>.

    Erm, I saw a million of those people. Like for example,

    “Giving 5 million mesos to whoever who will show me your pu55y and 10million mesos to let me lick it”

    Heck. Get a life. -_-.


    But I would never use the word f***. >_> I always use lots of double entendre’s and innuendo’s. xD

    I just do it for fun and to gauge people’s reactions. :O

  4. There are a lot of people who do go around giving out snowboards. But sadly, there are a lot of people just like this perv too.

    -=The Nazgul=-

  5. You should’ve just took the snowboard and ran off with it. It’ll teach him a lesson.

  6. xDDDDDDDDD I 100% concur with AzNxKnife. Once a random guy trade-requested me and asked if I’d be his GF. Guess what I said?

    . . .

    >.> Guys can be such pervs. (no offense to anybody here :O)

  7. Ahhhh, poor you. ]: I know what you mean though, not like those idiots would ever even THINK about doingsaying a think like that without the protection of their computer screen. = Guys can be very blunt and harrassing-like online. :

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