Why do I even bother PQing?

I was in this party with NichtLordXD as the leader. I thought finally we’ll get in. I did everything right and changed channels as soon as it was asked. At the last minute I get dumped without an explanation. I have all the current equips for my char. I still haven’t got an explanation, despite asking nicely, and he’s been out for half an hour.

Am I wrong to ask why I was dumped at the last minute?

7 thoughts on “Why do I even bother PQing?”

  1. Do you smell? Did you cheat on him? Don’t tell me you tried to go all out on the first date . . .

    Oh, wait . . . you’re talking about a PQ, nevermind!

    Anyway, if you are level 21~23 in KPQ, or 35~39 in LPQ, expect to be kicked for no adequately explored reason. That’s life. Er . . . virtual life.

  2. I tend to expell party members for a reason. Usally beacuse they act like a 8 year old cursing in a desperate attempt to be cool.

  3. vicelin said: “Do you smell? Did you cheat on him? Don’t tell me you tried to go all out on the first date . . .

    Oh, wait . . . you’re talking about a PQ, nevermind!

    Anyway, if you are level 21~23 in KPQ, or 35~39 in LPQ, expect to be kicked for no adequately explored reason. That’s life. Er . . . virtual life.”

    Adequately explored reason? Most people consider those levels to be ‘nub’ in PQing! ;;

  4. Yea, I guess you are right.

    Well, I’m always the party leader, so I never really had to worry about that o_o;

    And in the rare case that I’m not the leader, and I give the leader the track and then he kicks me . . . I make another party and beat him in ;D

    And for the nasty whispers I get afterwards, it’s always worth it <3 “OM~FG BECH U NOOOOB I HOPE UR HOUZE CATCHEZ FIER AN U BERN IN HELL 4 AL ETERNETI! OMG JUTS DIEEEE! W.T.FFF!”

    “Err, it was my track you stole.”


    *disables whispers*

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