The Ninja versus Cheesecake.

That’s right.

The Ninja fought a cheesecake today. Its blueberry stained corpse lies strewn across the Ninja’s plate.

‘Twas a battle of epic proportions. 48 hours, or so. That’s how long it took to defrost.

The Ninja, knowing what makes a good dessert good, defrosted blueberries as well. And warmed them.

Nothing like a cool, creamy cheesecake with warm, ooey-gooey blueberries on top.

And, for all you drooling as you read this. . .

It’s delicious.

Smooth, sweet, light and fluffy.

You want cheesecake.

You want it.

You can’t have it.


The Ninja’s just doing a little social experiment in the form of torture. Read that as procrastinating from doing his research paper.

Which bites.

In Maple news, the Ninja hit 36. Yay.

15 thoughts on “The Ninja versus Cheesecake.”

  1. i honestly HATE cheesecake.
    i think it tastes bad.
    even the word is gross. Cheesecake. Cheese on its own it great.
    Cake on its own is great.
    the two together. . .meh. .

  2. Experiment, eh doctor? Hmm.
    Looks like the experiment is going well.
    Several people have robbed stores for cheesecake, blueberry stains have been found on several teens’ shirts.
    Even on mine, which is why I don’t wear white shirts anymore. They always get stained.
    It’s a proven fact if you where a white shirt you stain it. >O!

  3. Cheesecake sounds good, smells funny.
    The only thing that made me hungrey was your description of blue berry sauce. (Was it sauce?)
    I’m waiting for my mother to get back from the store right now, to bring me something yummy to eat! ^_^

  4. Hurray for level!

    (Terrible pun alert) Des, prepare to be lynched, drawn, and quartered. Not that I’d share, anyway.

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