The Ninja destroys Scania.

The Ninja has taken things and kicked them up a notch.

That’s right.

Scania, meet the Ninja.


Meet your doom.

The Ninja cometh, and this time he cometh with not a level 32 Fire Poison Mage, nor a level 42 Page, but a LEVEL 85 DK.

Thanks to Aliyah for the mad DK empowerments; it’s a slightly apt manifestation of the Ninja in the wonderful world we know to be MS.

Life, The Universe and a Bag Of Chips

Life has been going semi-decently in the world of the Ninja. By semi-decently, the Ninja means horribly, like something akin to a train crashing into an orphanage. But the real world Ninja and the Ninja of MMOT are not to intersect.


The Wonders Of DKship

Being a DK is an enthralling experience. One gains the power to hit more than 10k in a single blow, and that is quite stunning. Like, it doesn’t actually stun the monsters, but… you get the point.


EternalAngel, The Wierdo People of MMOT And Perfection In Chibi Form

The Ninja joined Aliyah’s famous guild, EternalAngel. By famous, the Ninja means hellaciously wierd. Because it is. There are strange beings like Veggie, Mar the Katface, TheLastCor andso on.

And it’s wierd. Annikabelle alone fills up the BL Chat with more than enough spam to feed the Chinese Army.

But it’s all good. Especially because the angelic being known as Ladyfriend has joined Scania.

PH33R. Anyone messes with her, they shall be removed from the gene pool. Comically, her IGN is ALLhisfault.

Closing and Final Thoughts

Yes, this was a relatively short blog pretending to be a big fancy one like Aliyah’s.

You should read her blogs. The Ninja does.

You want to be like him, yes?

Anyways. The Ninja is ALLmyfault on Scania. Go add the Emo DK and complete your collection today!

15 thoughts on “The Ninja destroys Scania.”

  1. *laughs* <3 Love, You’re silly. ^^ But yay for Scania! 8D *is having fun being a Warrior and killin stuff* >3

  2. LOL
    Ahahahaa. Yup it was no problem letting you have the DK x)
    You’re a trustworthy Ninjar afterall!


    Wootage. =]

  3. Ughh. Scania really sounds great, but I got so much going in Broa. =/

    If I get hacked and lost my account, I’ll start anew in Scania, but for now, I’ll stick with Broa, gentlemen.


  4. SweetAznPunk said: “Anni’s spam could feed the poor. . every single. . one . of them.”

    I can spam so much more that Anni that I can even annoy her with the spam o.o Thats how good I iz.

  5. Dest 1 don’t even bother comparing yourself with her. You’re the world number 1 spammer, but she’s a goddess. Annikabelle has spammed almost every single MMOTaler on this site, including myself. While your spam is concentrated on her alone, her spam reaches far and wide, pulverising entire blogs in its merciless rage =S

  6. devilrymage said: “Dest 1 don’t even bother comparing yourself with her. You’re the world number 1 spammer, but she’s a goddess. Annikabelle has spammed almost every single MMOTaler on this site, including myself. While your spam is concentrated on her alone, her spam reaches far and wide, pulverising entire blogs in its merciless rage =S”

    I feel like typing link/blog/1 and so on to spam in every single blog .


    ‘CAUSE I’M BORED ^___________________^

    And I still have about an hour to go before the Tennis Thingamuihddjfhdjfjdkmfldcmkd <– Which consists of aimlessly hitting the ball. x_X *Thought there was more to tennis than that*

    Ah well .


  7. devilrymage said: “Dest 1 don’t even bother comparing yourself with her. You’re the world number 1 spammer, but she’s a goddess. Annikabelle has spammed almost every single MMOTaler on this site, including myself. While your spam is concentrated on her alone, her spam reaches far and wide, pulverising entire blogs in its merciless rage =S”

    I feel like typing link/blog/1 and so on to spam in every single blog .


    ‘CAUSE I’M BORED ^___________________^

    And I still have about an hour to go before the Tennis Thingamuihddjfhdjfjdkmfldcmkd <– Which consists of aimlessly hitting the ball. x_X *Thought there was more to tennis than that*

    Ah well .



    I’d agree with the part on hitting the ball, but aimlessly?
    Lol we’re just aimlessly pressing on some computer buttons using your perspective ^^

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