Moving, the Ninja and you.

Edit: This is retyped because the file uploader is an idiot, and doesn’t accept certain types of files.

The Ninja is moving.

Why, you may ask?

Well, pirates have found the Ninja’s address (the Ninja blames society and the internet) and while they pose no threat, finding empty bottles of rum on the lawn and one’s lawn gnomes cracked is quite irritating.


The Ninja shall be on here, still, but sporadically, because internet access during the transition may be sketchy.

So, leave the Ninja some love. As you should.

That means you, Ezyan. (That’s a joke, for people out of the loop.)

The Ninja. Moving to a theatre near you.


SUPER EXTRA HAPPY FUN BONUS: The Ninja’s eye. Fear it. Loathe it. Love it.

15 thoughts on “Moving, the Ninja and you.”

  1. OMG! Nooooo! Not the pirates! Can’t you just poke holes in the ground everywhere so their peg-legs get stuck?
    Oh well. I guess a ninja should never stay in one spot for too long. Are you moving to a secret lair or something?
    I bet it’d be really cool!
    Where are you moving to? I won’t tell any pirates!
    GASP! THE NINJA’S EYE! *Saves picture to desktop*
    Brown eyes? Interesting. . . That narrows down the search by a lot. My eyes are black! Really! They’re a dark brown thats so dark, you can’t see the pupil! Would black eyes make good ninja eyes?
    Have fun with your move! We’ll all wait for you here in MMOT~!

  2. The Ninja is moving to a new, undisclosed location.

    It’s called [CENSORED BY MODERATOR].

    It’s about [CENSORED BY MODERATOR] miles away from [CENSORED BY MODERATOR].

    That help?

  3. Well, I’m sorry about the pirates. They are quite annoying. I’ve lived with a couple, very messy. Plus they smell. Probably all the drunkenness.
    WELL! I hope things get better, don’t worry Pooneh you’ll be okay.
    This is mushy, Too mushy, Um,
    ~ <3 Faith

  4. fpooned said: “Then Pastafarianism is a farce and shameless rip off of Rastafarianism!”

    Nerdical o-o

  5. esteleonin said: “aw, byebye ninja *hugs*
    i wanna watch Borat. . .

    – VanillaPocki -“

    Borat: You must watch my movie film!
    Borat: I like it.
    Borat: It’s nice! d(^^d)

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