Reborned- P1

I play Blackout RO, a private RO server. Foxx’s level is higher than the usual, and I thought I’d point this out because eventually, someone else might. Don’t plox. x) I’m including a picture with this story. It looks basically nothing much like my original Assassin Cross drawing, but since my scanner’s broken, I had to do the best I could. In truth, neither drawings have much resemblance to a REAL female SinX. But oh well. x) My story’s also going to be in third person. I’ve concluded it’s too much torture to write in first. >>

Foxx’s footsteps echoed throughout Lhz. Both of her hands were gripping katars, and her face indicated that she seemed worried. Truthfully, she wasn’t supposed to be in Lhz. The monsters there were too strong for her, but she was impatient. She need to become stronger. If she didn’t, she might as well quit while she was ahead. It wa her own fault that she had been reborned, forgetting that her base level wouldn’t be reset every time she advanced to another job after that. Now Foxx had to make up for it, by working her way back to level 500 again.

Suddenly Foxx seemed to be showered in offensive attacks. Swords, Axes, and magic clashed all around her, very few of it missing her. “AUUUUGGGH.” She dissapeared in a vortex of shining, blue light at the last moment. Foxx had warped. It was somewhat lucky timing, because the monsters attacking her would have finished her. The bad news? She couldn’t move.

Foxx was panting, the bark of the old tree she was lying next to, cutting into her shoulders. Weakly she shifted through her items, and discovered she had brought no berries to help her. “I must’ve used the last one without realizing it.’ She thought sadly, tieing a knot to close her items bag. Foxx’s reddish hair fell over her face, and she moaned in pain. Just like her to get stuck in the middle of nowhere. She didn’t know where she had warped.

“Please. Don’t let me die.” Slowly she closed her eyes, and fell into a deep sleep, hot tears begining to travel down her cheeks.

Tobecontinued. Like gasp. xP

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