Hajime’s Missions – 1

~Mission 1: Defeat the Monster!~


“One ticket to Ludibrium, please.”
The ticket usher handed me a ticket, and in return, I gave her a bag full of mesos. 5000 mesos to be exact. I was heading to Ludibrium, to accomplish a quest. Or as I call it, a mission.

Missions are, well, quests, only a bit more challenging. NPC’s ask me to get them materials, to defeat enemies, defend them, or other things like that. My goal, is to help others, and receive rewards. That’s how I survive. I am stuck in the game, and I have no permanent place to live in. I do have a lot of friends, though, and they are all kind.

This particular mission is to defeat a monster so that peace is restored to Ludibrium. The reward was a 60% glove attack scroll, which I wanted to bad. It is worth a lot of mesos, and that’s one of the reasons why I do missions.

I arrived at Ludibrium, and dashed to the questmaster NPC, Marcel. He told me the reward, which I already knew, and what monster to fight. He told me it was a monster called Rombot hidden somewhere in the 8th floor of EOS Tower. He said it is really powerful, so he told me to stay cautious. I agreed to the circumstances of the mission, and headed to EOS Tower.

It took me about 30 minutes to get there. It was a long fall, and climbing down. I reached the 8th floor, and started looking for the hidden entrance. It was easy; one spot looked different from the other patterns and platforms, so I went in there. I waited approximately 5 minutes, and I found it. I found Rombot.

Before I was able to take out my weapon, a Mapler of around level 40 came into the room, and suddenly started taunting at the Rombot. “Ha! You’re the Rombot? You look so weak. Feel the wrath of…”
Before he could finish, the Rombot created a shockwave, and the Mapler died in one hit. “What the heck! Hey dude, if I’m owned, you’re so owned, too. Get out before you die like me. If I can’t defeat it, you can’t.”

I ignored him. Now, it’s my turn to fight. I took out my weapon, a bow, and nocked some arrows. I shot 2 arrows, and they hit the Rombot. I provoked it, and it started creating shockwaves. I evaded the by jumping, and shot some more arrows. The arrows were deflected, and the Rombot came charging at me.

Suddenly, my bow morphed into a sword, which I carried with two hands. The Mapler who died said, “Wow! A jobmaster! I heard only 3 people in Maple existed as a jobmaster!”
That’s a word I didn’t hear for a long time…

A jobmaster is a Mapler who can use all the weapons and skills existing in MapleStory. Of course, like other Maplers, you have to master the skills, and learn them from the Four Wise. It is a very hard class to master, and like that Mapler who died said, only 3 exists, one of which is me.

I swung my sword at the Rombot, and of course, it didn’t miss. Why would it miss? The Rombot’s so big. The sword only did a little damage, though, so I morphed my sword into a staff. The staff gave me magic boost, so I froze the Rombot with cold beam. Success! It froze. Now was my chance. I shot fire arrows, and the Rombot collapsed, and turned into millions of lego pieces. In the middle of the pile, I saw a disc. Rombot’s disc. This should be a good proof to show.

Before I walked out of the room, the Mapler, who was watching, started at me in awe. Suddenly, he asked me, “Hey you! What’s your name, jobmaster?”
I replied, “Don’t call me jobmaster, it irritates me. I wanted to be treated equal, you know? Anyways, my name’s Hajime. Bye.”

I returned to Ludibrium, and I showed Marcel the disc. Hesitating, he gave me the reward and the experience. I don’t like people like him… I help, he doesn’t want to give up the reward. It’s only fair to give the reward when you accomplish a mission.

Mission completed.


Hajime’s Mission, chapter 1! I hope you liked it, and like I said, it will be connected my other stories, “One Life, One Story” and “Best Allies”. Thanks for reading! And instead of a puzzle this chapter, I’ll tell a quote I made up. Maybe someone said this already, but I thought about this during school.

We are all one race. Either we are Asian, Hispanic, Caucasian, African-American, or any other races across the world, we are all equal. We are the human race, we deserve to be treated equally.

♣ Glac ♠

10 thoughts on “Hajime’s Missions – 1”

  1. Hey its fun, but i dont really see how you can be treated equally when you can “morph your weapon into any weapon”, X_O


  2. I liked it, it seemed a little simple, but I liked it nonoftheless! ^_^
    And, I might add, that’s a very interesting name. =/
    The second I saw it, I stoped everthing, and clicked it! that’s a good thing! ^_^

  3. Rofl.
    “Job Master”
    that made me laugh sooo hard.

    And whats up with the Japanese names?
    I heard “Hajime” from the manga/anime about the Detective guy. Its a very creepy series.

  4. I love the whole idea of the Job Master XD It’s so original and fresh lol, I wanna be a job master >__>
    Otherwise,You need to proofread!And proofread again!

    – VanillaPocki –

  5. btw, *glomps and hugs kevin*
    Go train your ranger T__T and give me your hinkel! lol
    *sorri for double posting, i forgot to type it in just now XD*

    – VanillaPocki –

  6. Hajime Means First which refers to His character Name in Maple ( FirstKnight1 ) and his Username Here (FirstKnight)

  7. lol job matsers sound like some kind of hacker.
    anyway yeah. Very original idea.
    anyway I need to think of a chracter name for my character in Half-Blood-.-
    I wonder if i should make a japanese name o.o

  8. Japanese names, because I’m Nihonjin.

    Hajime = First (from FirstKnight, I got the “First”.)

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