Hey MMOTalers, I want to talk to you all about friends. These are my thoughts, and some special friends I want to list.
Friends, you can’t live without them, they can’t live without you. Best friends, good friends, boyfriends, girlfriends. If you stay with your friends, you feel safe and comfortable.
My great friend, James. He was my friend for almost a year now. We met in RuneScape. When I heard about MapleStory, I kind of quit RuneScape, but I told James about MapleStory. And, about 1~2 months later, I met James, in MapleStory! It was like we were supposed to meet. I didn’t even know he played MapleStory. He’s one of my best online friends.
Toshio-kun, he was a friend for a long time too. I used to play my old magician character, Cannonfire, when I met Toshio-kun. He was around level 2x, we talked a lot, in Japanese and English. When he made a guild, he asked me to join it, and I know I made the right and best decision. He’s a great guild leader and a friend.
Hannah, not only a great friend, but my MapleStory girlfriend, she’s always cheerful and happy. We like to help each other, and we have fun training together, or writing in MMOTales. I met her about 2 months ago, thanks to my Mini Kargo, who talks.
I have too many great friends, to list all. They’re all great, but these 3 friends, are special. Friends, are very important. You don’t know how important my friends are to me. I cannot live without them. Thank you to all my friends!!!
Pictures :
Picture 1 = Guild picture!
Picture 2 = My friends NickyNight, and TacoBoss.
Picture 3 = My guildmate and friend, Korwyn.
Picture 4 = NubSkoolBus, another great friend.
Picture 5 = My MapleStory girlfriend, Hannah.
Yeah. . . Friends. Can’t live without them. Especially when they’re your best friend and they walk out on you and they delete their character without telling you and you check the rankings and their character isn’t there and. . . ::Cough:: Okay. Yeah.
Lol that’s funny.
What’s funny? Having your best friend leave? Er. . . No. It’s not.
I mean what you said, the ‘hacking’ thing lol.
Eeww, if you dun watch out your gonna get the cooties, LOL jk
lol stewgr1ffen.
Anyways, I’m 300% Japanese. Thats right, I can make 3 replicas of myself who are each 100% Japanese.
This is why Im super smaaaaarrrrttt. Lol, jk.
You think Im dumb!?
edit: online dating is weirrrrd. but whatever makes you happy, sir o_o
sorry for double post but, grats on your third job.
TEMPURA SUSHI SASHIMI~~~~ (scary movie 4 crappy jap XD)
i know abit of jap. . .understand but can’t speak it XD
YAY! friends! But I try not to go as deep right now because I see each and every one of my good friends leaving and it just hurts so much. . .
– VanillaPocki –
Mmmhmm. I couldn’t agree more with the whole friend’s are very important to you thing. The only reason I play MS are my friends and even in real life it’s the same. The only reason school doesn’t completely suck is because of friends
hey i know jamesn1 too
or my bro did >.>
lol i did the same thing that you guys did with the focus cept my two friends were the eyes and i used booster to make a mouth >.<
we were bored while waiting for pq t.
(””(‘,, ,’)/””) RAWR!
Heh, cute pictures.
I’m not really into the whole ‘online dating’ business, but yeah. =3
But which server do you play on? And do you know a guy called Eternallite? O__o
EDIT: Okay, nvm. I thought you knew someone I knew.
But yeah.
eh? nvm? short for what? sorry, i’m not into the whole ‘messenger’ languange.
blog nice. he, thats one of the fist times i’ve heard/read a guy being sentimental,
that is of course assuming that you are a guy, ^_^