Train Station
31st October 2035
Jason watched quietly as a family of people that were nice to him boarded the train. Jason cried a little bit, but the village priest still took care of him. Jason was 9 years old now, with half of the town hateig him. Jason walked down the steps of the station and ran home. Alot of kids went to Jasons house during Halloween, which is today. A scary person like him would have tons of candy, which was true. Jason had a backroom filled with packets of sweets. When Jason got home, he looked around his house to see if there was anything that people wrote about him. Today nothing.
Jason walked into his house and got into the back room. He ripped open a big packet of candy and poured it all into a bag. He turned on the lights, sat down, opened a book, and read while waiting for kids to come. Jason heard a knock and got up. He opened the door and gave the kids some candy. They thanked him and left for more houses. Jason had never really had a real childhood, so he wanted to go out trick-or-treating.
“But I just can’t,” Jason said to himself.
Minutes later, it was 9:45 pm. Jason put the candy bowl onto a table and went to walk outside. He walked slowly around town and then got hit by a rock. He turned around. “Not them,” Jason thought to himself. 15 year olds with rocks, known to most as the “Gang”.
“Where did you think you’re going Jason?” the leader asked getting ready to throw another rock.
“Home,” Jason said and began to walk home. But he got hit by another rock.
“No you’re not, DEVIL!” the Gang leader said.
“Yeah, we’re tired of you in this town. You killed your parents and a man,” a member said.
“My parents died by themselves, and that man tried to steal my stuff,” Jason said sternly.
“That still proves that you’re the Devil! Pelt him!” the Gand leader said.
Soon, Jason was running away from a 15 group throwing rocks at him. Jason ran pretty fast, he picked up a pebble, jumped into the air, turned around, and tossed the pebble at the leader. It went down his throat. The leader started coughing and coughing and fell onto the ground. Soon his coughing started to fade. . .
“And I took another life,” Jason said.
Both the man and Jason were quiet. The man took a bite out of a muffin he was eating and a sip of coffee.
“Intriging, tell me more, around 14 years old,” the man asked.
“14 years old? That was the 2nd bloodiest day of my life,” Jason said. “Alright, it started out like this. . .”
To be continued.
Nice story FireLeo86. I’m gonna write mine someday today. Write more please!
can’t wait for #4
2 more parts left. then ill stop with this series. until Jason leave the maple squad in Axiomfable’s story on where ill continue the story.
Oh yeah and make it a little longer. I don’t like 1 minute stories,