Hup hup, ho! Away whoah, now! Shishaw! Kapwang! Shjin shijin, kablooie! Gottalilswap, gottalilswap Oh! Yardsale!
Lmao, that was interesting ^-^
Hup hup, ho! Away whoah, now! Shishaw! Kapwang! Shjin shijin, kablooie! Gottalilswap, gottalilswap Oh! Yardsale!
Little bit too much connecting scenes and a little bit too much talking.
Other than that, great.
i liked it!
more plz
Technically, the head should be upside-down, right? XD
Technically, the knight is just a bunch of armor floating. Yes, it is evil.
OMG, suits of armour aren’t supposed to talk!
Only if they’re haunted. *shivers*
I don’t like haunted suits of armor.
please work on defilers =(, it was the first fanfic i read and the one that kept me in this site